Spin The Bottle

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There was some party happening tonight, which doesn't surprise me at all, and the boys begged me to join them. The party is no surprise because the boys just dropped their second album a few months back and between the concerts and interviews, they get invited to parties left and right. This one, I was told, is going to be a lot smaller. More intimate aka probably like back in the basement days where it's just the boys and a few other people. But you can never be sure so I'm going to dress hot anyway, maybe try and get my crush's attention but also fail and get other people's attention. It will be fine.

I got dressed in a dark red glittery tank shirt that showed off my chest nicely and paired it with some black skinny jeans and vans. I look nice but practical because I have a feeling that I could get thrown up on if Bert is there and I don't want my nice shoes getting vomited on. No one wants that. Besides looking hot and trying to get my crush's attention, I should probably make sure my boys don't get too drunk either. Gerard has been having problems lately, and Mikey but Gerard's just a bit worse. Frank is Frank and he does what he always does but knows when to stop. And Ray.... Well Ray's a really good guy but he knows how to have fun. Plus if he's drunk tonight then I might get the balls to confess to him or try and hit on him. I'm not really sure which is more likely, but if I get tipsy I know I'll probably try to do something.

I grab a ride to the house party with Frank, who makes sure to compliment me on my top. I roll my eyes but tell him thanks and that he looks like he's ready to get laid. Frank just laughs because at this point he's only really horny for one lady but they aren't together yet. Which essentially means free reign of making out with people till she says yes, or he ya know actually asks her out seriously.

Reaching the house Frank immediately ditches me in favor of looking for his future wife as he likes to call her. I of course decide to grab a drink to get the night started and try to find people I know. After an adventure to the kitchen to obtain some alcohol, I wander around the main floor of the house for a while looking for anyone I know. I spot Gerard but he literally has his tongue down Berts throat so I elect to pretend that I did not see that and walk outside to clear my head and check out the fancy pool.

Soon as I'm done with my first drink I grab another and head back inside to look for Ray. Am I feeling confident to try anything yet? No. Am I going to end up cuddling into him being tipsy like usual? Probably. I tossed back the rest of my drink and headed down stairs so see the basement. It reminds me of Gerards just nicer.

"Hey y/n! Come play spin the bottle with us!" Frank yelled at me from one of the chairs by the couch.

Walking over I saw that Mikey and Ray sat at the couch and some girls were sitting near them or on the floor, and some boys that I didn't recognize either. "Why?" I asked as I stood next to Frank.

"Cause it's just kissing? I don't know, just come on. Spin like one time and then you can go back to mingling or whatever the fuck you were doing before,"Frank sassed.

I rolled my eyes, "Fine but if I don't like who it lands on I'm not kissing them." I gave Frank a sarcastic look meaning I'm not kissing him for shit.

"Okay okay, just spin."

I reached down to the empty beer bottle on the table and spun it hard. We all watched as it went round and round and began to slow down. As the bottle came slowly spinning to an end it landed on Mikey. Before I could even say anything Mikey reached out and turned it so it was facing Ray.

"Mikey!" I whined pretending to be hurt.

"You weren't going to kiss me anyway," Mikey said leaning back against the couch. His face telling everyone he was impressed with his own quick thinking.

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