Chapter 7

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My phone, chiming a text, brought me closer to consciousness, but I burrowed deeper into my covers. When I heard the noise again, though, I groaned and flung my arm out, searching the nightstand for my phone. I hadn’t gotten much sleep at all last night; instead, I’d laid in bed on my stomach, worrying about Kayla.

Last night, as soon as I found her doctor, I’d frantically told her what had happened. She’d told me not to worry, to go home, she’d take care of it, and I’d numbly followed the boys to the car. I wasn’t really sure how to react; I was scared, because I wasn’t sure my sister was okay. I was worried, because who knew what could happen.

Niall patted my shoulder reassuringly, and Zayn ruffled my hair, eyes filled with concern. I don’t really remember the ride home, other than the warmth of Harry and Liam on either side of me. Then I’d trudged slowly up the stairs and gone straight to bed, where I’d laid until morning, wide awake.

I rolled out of bed, eyes bloodshot and hair a mess, and turned on the radio. It was about eight, and my parents were both at work. I was sure the hospital had called them last night and explained everything, so I didn’t bother calling them now.

I quickly pulled my wavy hair into a messy bun as some John Mayer song floated from the speakers, and stumbled down the stairs. I flipped open my phone, and there was a text from Harry. Be at St. Ivey’s by 12. We have a surprise.

I smiled a little, shaking my head. Another surprise. What a shocker.

“My dear, we’re slow dancing in a burning room!” I burst out, singing along with the radio upstairs. A sad song for a sad mood. I pretended to waltz across my kitchen.

Soon I had my breakfast ready – two over easy eggs and a glass of orange juice. I sat down at the glass kitchen table and ate my meal alone.

I’d never really admitted to this before, but sometimes I just missed my parents.

Ever since we found out about Kayla’s leukemia, they had pretty much ignored me. They were either working overtime to cover the cost of the huge hospital bills, or visiting Kayla. Don’t get me wrong, though; I knew my sister definitely needed the attention, and I didn’t, but I was still there, you know?

But I sucked it up. Kayla would get better, then we’d be one big, happy family again.


Soon I was in the front seat of my car, driving and thinking. I’d almost forgotten that, yesterday, my best friend had asked me on a date. I bit back a sudden, ridiculous urge to giggle like a little girl. It was Austin, for Pete’s sake. I made a mental note to call Alexis so she could help me pick something to wear; I wasn’t exactly the most fashion forward person.

I cruised into the parking lot of St. Ivey’s, pushing my aviators to the top of my head and tugging self consciously at my Carnegie Hall t-shirt and sweatpants.

The inside of the hospital was freezing cold (what was this, a meat locker?) and I rubbed the goose bumps on my arms. I tentatively knocked on Kayla’s door, not exactly sure if I should just walk in or not. Who ever knew with these boys?

Zayn answered the door, grinning, dressed in sweatpants and a red t-shirt. “Brooklyn!” He pulled me into a bear hug before spinning me around and into the room. I quickly gave Kayla and the other boys a hug before turning to Harry.

“So, what’s the surprise?”

“Patience, grasshopper.” He bowed like this was some bad Jackie Chan flick, and I laughed. I noticed a couple of bean bag chairs scattered around Kayla’s bed, and I flopped down ungracefully. A shiver sent my teeth chattering and another round of goose bumps, and Niall, ever the gentleman, tossed me his Dublin football sweatshirt. I couldn’t pull it on fast enough, and soon I was wrapped in a cocoon of fabric and Niall-scent.

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