Chapter - 1

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Lypophrenia filled my mind as I envisioned the lust in his eyes while he looked at me as his tongue left a warm trail down my body. I was weak, but I was his. His hands intertwined with mine, my back arching off the bed as he teasingly got lower, but of course, this was nothing but a distant memory. A single tear fell from my face, quickly wiping it away before I lost control of my emotions.

A lost reflection stared back at me from the mirror. I see my face hundreds of times, yet I still study every bump and edge of me, like it's the last time I'll ever see it.

Shadows danced over my room as the rising sun took its place in the falling sky, marking its presence like it had done the day before.

Footsteps approached my door, instantly knowing what conversations lay just ahead of me. "My Lady, are you awake?" a female voice carried through the gaps of my door, instantly sighing, "Just like the sun" while quickly masking my face with an empty-hearted smile. My door flung open while my maid came bustling in, approaching me instantly, "How was your sleep, My Lady?" the kindness in her voice was therapeutic. "It was... Sleepful." Her fingers fumbled with my black hair, "You've got a quiet day ahead of you, your Royal Highness. The King and Queen have requested you join them for brunch, as well as the young princes."

"Must I go? Oh, how I'd give to spend my days outside, hiding from the sun among the trees." My fingers traced over the diamond encrusted tiara that rested on my dresser, in awe of its beauty.

"What is expected of my presence after the brunch, Maya?" Meeting her eyes in our reflected selves. "Nothing I'm currently aware of, My Lady." Her hands did the final touches of my hair, tying it back in the standard bun. "What gown would you like to wear today?" I turned around to evaluate my options. My parents were always against my dark-colored dresses, yet they still gave me the choice of a black dress, which my eye instantly locks on. Maya gives me a look before grabbing the dress. I stand up and remove my nightgown, having my corset laced around my waist, having the air sucked out of my lungs as the laces got tightened, taking away my ability to breathe humanly. My fingers ran patterns over the dress as Maya zips up the back, rubies marking their territory along the front.

"Best be off now before your parents send someone to collect you." Maya smiles at me. I nod before turning to leave my bedroom, instantly greeted by a long corridor. Paintings of past monarchs cover the walls in an evenly spaced pattern, the crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, the walls lined with gold frames, the red wallpaper bringing the whole room together, it was quite stunning.

 A familiar hand grasped my waist, pulling me close. I slowly looked up, my reflection staring straight back into my eyes, fear overwhelmed me. His hot breath stung my face, our faces inches apart. I didn't dare move. Feeling the blood rush to my face, "If we're going to act, at least make it believable." he breathed into my ear, allowing us to part slowly, my hands traced up to his collar, pulling him back closer, with a smirk I replied, 'I know my limits, do you know yours?" Letting him go with a small nudge back, I was quick to turn around and walk away, knowing pure as hell his eyes burned their way on my back. 

Echoes of his footsteps followed me until his shadowy presence stood alongside mine. "You're confident today, I see." He teased, I couldn't help but blush. "I knew you'd be the first to break our distance." I looked up at him, his eyes met mine, a tidal wave of warmth coated my body, "I could never stay away from you." I gulped at his words, quickly looking away as we continued our walk in a comfortable silence. We knew this was all supposed to be an act, but it didn't feel like it anymore. I know I'm falling for him... Even though I wasn't ever meant to.

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