Lisa x Fem! Reader

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Y/N had always hated Camelot: it brought back old memories from when she was no older than a newly sprouted flower. She had grown up in this place, and now she was back. You see, when  Y/N was still in her single digits, she ran away from home. Her father, the king of Camelot, was a harsh and selfish man. Her mother had passed during her birth, leaving her all alone. But recently, news had reached her that her father was sick, and was soon to join her mother in an infinite sleep. So Y/N decided to come back, for the kingdom needed her.

Y/N stood in front of the castle, trying to keep her hands from shaking. What would everyone think? Would they remember her? How could she help in a time like this, she hadn't even been here for the past 15 years, what made her think she should come here? How could she face her father? Y/N shook her head. She couldn't do this. It was a stupid idea to think she could come here anyway. She turned around ready to run back. But who she saw facing her stopped her right in her tracks.

"Y/N?" the girl in front of her stammered out. Y/N eyes widened.

"Lisa?" She asked in return. Although there was no doubt, it was her best friend from her younger days. Lisa ran forward and embraced Y/N.

"I missed you so much!" Lisa exclaimed, squeezing the girl. Y/N smiled into her friends shoulder.

"I missed you too," Y/N said. She smiled as she let go of her friend. Time had changed a lot. Lisa's caramel hair framed her cheery face. Y/N wasn't used to seeing Lisa this excited. Her eyes were the hue of the new spring growth, bright and soft all at once. There were flecks of strength, of the kind of green that comes only as summer advances. There is a kind of green that speaks to the soul of nature, of fresh wands of grass and new buds, and her eyes were that color.

Lisa waved her hand in front of her friend's face. Y/N blinked, realizing she had been staring. "Earth to Y/N," Lisa joked. She cupped her hand around Y/N cheek, studying her face, and how she'd grown after all these years. Y/N felt her cheeks heat up, Lisa had always been a very touchy person, but somehow it felt different this time. Especially because Y/N wasn't used to human touch after all those years on her own. Suddenly Lisa drew back her hand.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Lisa said. "You probably don't want someone you haven't seen in years touching your face." Y/N let out a chuckle.

"It's nice, don't worry about it," She blushed. The two stood in silence for a moment, both wanting to say so much but not knowing how to say it. All of a sudden Lisa let out a yelp.

"Your ankles are bleeding!" She exclaimed. Y/N looked down. Realizing her friend was right, a streak of blood dripped down her ankle and into her shoe. "What happened?" Lisa asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Well, I got attacked by some bandits in the woods on my way here. I took care of 'em, but I guess one of them managed to nick me."

"We need to go patch you up, come on now," Lisa beckoned, leading her friend toward the castle. There was no going back now, looks like Y/N was gonna have to enter the castle. She followed her friend inside, trying to prepare herself for whatever laid inside.

Lisa took her to the hospital wing and told the nurse to start bandaging Y/N's injury. She left and asked Y/N to meet her at the library when she was patched up. Y/N sat down on a hospital cot while the nurse tended to her wounds. She thought about Lisa, and how happy she was to see her again. She wondered what that feeling was that she felt when Lisa touched her cheek. The way that her nimble hands caressed Y/N's face, and when her gentle eyes met Y/N's harsh ones. Y/N felt so free at that moment. She felt as if she could die right there, on the spot, and she wouldn't be upset, because she was with Lisa. She had never felt like this before, only around Lisa. When they were younger Y/N felt the same way she did right now. Maybe they were just that good of friends, Y/N thought, as she stood up. She thanked the nurse and went off in seek of the Library.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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