Chapter 40 - Going Japanese-Daniel!

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A/N: Dedicated to UnePetitPissenlit for the banner at the side! Thanks for quoting the Butthead. ^_^



       "What?!" Daniella shrieked. It was 3 am in the morning, and these two were still up chatting. Ella was hiding her flustered face under her soft pink pillow as Daniella began jumping excitedly on her bed. "You and Sean! Oh this is rich! Sean! And you!"

       "Yeah, yeah..." Ella mumbled. This was the first time she opened up this topic to anyone in five years, so her heart was beating uncontrollably. "Anne, you be quiet about this, alright?!"

     Daniella vigorously nodded her head and gave Ella a cheeky grin. "Five years huh. So you were like, twelve back then. How far have you two gone?"

       "Somehow, I understand how Tina feels every time people ask that." Ella rubbed her temple like a troubled old lady. She hasn't been her usual, cheerful self lately. "There were a few lame kiss-attempts, but it was always in bad timing. So nothing happened."

       "I see," Daniella put her hand under her cheek. "So you two went out, almost kissed, were more than just best friends, but neither of you confessed to one another? And after graduation, you acted like strangers?"

       "Yup," Ella popped the p. Daniella thought for a second, and then...

       "YOU IDIOT!" she took the pillow Ella was hugging and smacked it on her face.

       "What?! Why am I the idiot?!"

       "Why did you two let your stupid prides get in the way and destroy everything?! That was my mistake before, but I made up for it now. Tina's making great progress with Daniel now, but what about you? You're not making any progress at all!" Daniella continued hitting Ella's head.

       "S-Stop hitting!" Ella jumped out of the bed and laid her back against the wall of her room. Daniella was standing on the mattress, preparing to throw another pillow at maximum speed. "Anne, put the pillow down girl."

       "I can't believe you've been hiding this from Tina! And she's you're best friend too!" Daniella pouted. "You were actually going through this. I didn't notice at all. In fact, nobody would."

     Ella sighed as Daniella lowered the pillow. She scratched her head and forced a strained smile. "That's because—"

       "You didn't want to concern other people with your problems?" Daniella finished for her. "Yeah. We three have the same thoughts. We're too alike. And you say that we're thick-headed."

     Ella didn't reply. She rubbed her arm and kept lowering her head as if she was being scolded.

       "Sean... Despite his laziness and goofiness, he's a nice guy. Ella, why are you two acting like nothing ever happened? I know how you feel alright? That's what I did before too. But look, I swallowed my pride and talked to Tops. He did the same thing, and we're okay now. We're starting fresh. Why don't you and Sean do that?"

       "He doesn't feel the same way about me anymore," she whispered. "What's the use? I'm still stuck in the past. No matter how much I try to keep myself busy all the time, that jerk never left my mind. That's why I'm helping you and Tina, to get myself occupied and distracted... and because I don't want you two to go through this crap as well..."

       "What about you?" Daniella stepped down from the bed and folded her arms. She looked serious now. "Why are you worrying about us? You should worry about yourself first."

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