Chapter 1 - The Reunion

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A/N: I already said this story was going to be super immature and somehow unrealistic right? I made it that way for the sake of humor. So, if it isn't your cup of tea, then please don't read on and leave. Don't leave trash on my comment box. 

But for those who seek light and fun stories with no serious plot, just plain fun and hoity-toity stuff, read on! =))


Twelve years later...

    "Kristina!" Her mom called out from the kitchen. "Come down already! I need your help."

    "Coming!" She replied. Kristina quickly tied her hair into a ponytail without even brushing it and dashed downstairs. This girl completely lacked delicacy as a young lady, and wasn't vain just like the other girls in her class-- neither was she demure. Her mom would always push her into wearing cute clothes, give her expensive jewelry and make her wear the latest fashion trends. But no. Kristina preferred to wear big loose T-shirts, jeans and a pair of sneakers. This was not the girl whom you knew twelve years ago.

    "What is that?!" Lizzy, her mom, looked at her from head to toe with a disapproving face.

    "Um... Normal clothes?" Kristina replied sarcastically. "I don't have time for this mom, I'm gonna be late for class!" Kristina went to a private school. They had their own uniforms but this week, they were allowed to wear regular clothes because of the upcoming festival.

    "Aish. Kristina honey, you're wasting your cute face on... on sluggish clothes like that? Why can't you be like the other girls? Have fun, wear pretty clothes, or go out with your own boyfriend!" Her mom's eyes started to sparkle.

  But Kristina wasn't paying attention at all. She cracked an egg, added a pinch of salt at the middle of the yolk and fried it on the pan. "Because I'm not like those other girls, mom. Those kind of things are a waste of time and a waste of money," she said as she gobbled up her sunny side up egg with a hint of ketchup on top.

   The sparkles in her mom's eyes instantly faded. Lizzy frowned and folded her arms. "Love isn't a waste of time. You know, I was really quite like you when I was your age, but your father made me change my life. Love changes a person's life." The sparkles began appearing again. "There will come a day when you fall in love with a nice guy and--"

    "I won't. School comes first," Kristina interrupted. She drank her milk with one gulp, grabbed her bag and ran outside. "I'm leaving! See you later mom!"

    "B-But!!!" Lizzy tried to stop her, but it was too late. Kristina was already out the door.

    "Don't forget to come home early! We have important guests coming!" She stuck her head out the window.

    "Okay!" Kristina waved as she slowly disappeared from the streets.

  Her mom sat at the living room couch and pouted like a kid. "She doesn't know what we've prepared for her. Poor child, I'm sure she'll be surprised when she comes back," she muttered.


Kristina already arrived at school with a swarm of students following after her.

    "Pres! What shall we do for tomorrow's festival?" A guy wearing thick glasses said.

    "Pres, our teacher left this paper work for you to do," a girl gave her a stock of papers.

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