Chapter 16: Hard Pass, Part 3

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RHIDDYL WAS NERVOUS. She wasn't the only one. She'd thought that waiting to hear whether or not she'd passed her exams would be the hardest thing she faced all month, but it turned out that riding in a skyship approaching Nimbys on the eve of the Choice was far more nerve-wracking.

"I've never ridden a miryhl before. What if I don't like it?" Tenzi muttered to Keiva as they, along with Rhiddyl, Vhen, Guth and the twelve other Storm Peaks students clustered against the fore rail, watching the North Imercian mountains loom ever higher in front of them.

"You like flying with Rhiddyl, don't you?" Keiva asked, her voice equally soft.

As far as Rhiddyl knew, her four friends were the only ones who definitely knew she was a dragon. The others mostly just thought she was strange, but had ceased to be curious over the long winter. One or two likely suspected something – the Storm Peaks were right beside the Storm Surge, after all, and a dragon or two had been known to cross the Barrier from time to time – but no one had outright asked her. So she was grateful for Keiva's discretion.

"That's different," Tenzi argued. "Rhiddyl's much bigger and so comfortable. Flying with her is easy. What if I've been spoiled?"

The others snorted. Rhiddyl was glad to hear her friend enjoyed their flights so much, but from what she knew of Rift Riders, dragon flight was nothing compared to riding a miryhl.

"You'll be fine," Rhiddyl assured her, almost bouncing on her toes as a glint appeared between the arms of a mountain ahead.

"Is that -?" Guth asked.

Rhiddyl nodded. "The Stratys Palace. The spire is topped with glass, so it shines in the sun."

"Oooh," Tenzi and several of the nearby students cooed with appreciation.

"Is it true the Cathedral of Maegla has a coloured glass window that's twenty feet high?" Keiva asked.

Rhiddyl had never measured the window herself, but she'd seen and marvelled at it from the outside. "It's certainly very big."

"I can't wait to see it." The girl clasped her hands to her chest and sighed rapturously. "I've always longed to visit Nimbys and pay my respects to the goddess."

The other students agreed, except for Vhen who pulled a face.

Rhiddyl grinned at him. "What a shame it's Cloudday today. The open service is only held on Stardays."

"I'm not waiting three days before I visit," Keiva said stoutly. "I heard it's open every day for worshippers, regardless of services."

"Can we go tomorrow, do you think?" Tenzi asked. "Oh, please say we can, Rhiddyl!"

"I don't see why not." Rhiddyl smiled, pleased that her friends were looking to her for advice. Back in Zvenera they'd all been perfectly at home, always taking the lead in any outings, but out here she was the expert. Even if she'd never actually walked through Nimbys' streets, she had flown over them a time or two, which was practically the same thing.

"Aren't we going to be a little busy tomorrow?" Vhen asked dryly.

Rhiddyl and the rest looked at him blankly.

"It's the thirtieth of Fledgling," he said.

More blank looks.

"The reason why we are all here. The start of the Choice. You know, where we all try and Choose our miryhls. Those giant talking eagle things that you can't be a Rift Rider without." He eyed Rhiddyl up and down for a thoughtful moment. "Well, most of us."

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