Chapter 25: Surprise Meetings, Part 1

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"SORRY FOR THE interruption, Student Orla, but have you got a moment?"

On her way out of the dining hall with Zett, Vhen and Caelo – the surly Taryn having not returned from fetching more cake – Orla paused at Lieutenant Dhori's question.

The others paused too, ever curious, but the lieutenant waved them on. "Away with you lot, you have another busy day tomorrow."

"So does Orla," Caelo argued, and wagged her finger at the officer. "Don't go keeping her out late, sir, it's a school night."

Dhori rolled his eyes and nodded at Zett.

Caelo's long-suffering best friend sighed and linked his arm through hers. "Come on, Cae, we've study work to do."

"Study work!" the red head groaned. "On our very first day. I fear we've chained ourselves to monsters, Zeze, I really do. Is it too late to escape?"

"Far, far too late," Vhen informed her, and the three of them carried on with mild bickering and amused chuckles.

Dhori smiled at Orla. "Come along, student. You don't want your coffee to get cold."

"Coffee?" Orla trotted after the lieutenant. "Students aren't offered coffee."

"Of course not!" Dhori laughed. "You're an excitable enough bunch as it is. Throw in coffee and you'd be unmanageable." The lieutenant chuckled. "Fortunately, there are some in the citadel who are of a calmer nature and have their own private supplies." He winked.

Orla considered asking for more information, but seven months in Nimbys had taught her the man hated to give a straight answer if he could instead be obscure about it. She would find out where he was taking her soon enough and since Dhori was a fast walker, it was better to save her breath for keeping up.

* * *

TARYN WAS NOT in a good mood as she left the dining hall, in search of solitude and a break from impertinent questions about her brother. As such, she chose not to go back to her room, unwilling to face the others.

She wandered Aquila's corridors in search of nothing but peace and found Rhiddyl instead. The dragon drifted through the hallways with a blissful smile on her face. Taryn paused to watch, wondering when Rhiddyl would notice her or if she'd simply walk straight into her.

Almost. Rhiddyl halted a pace away, a startled blink clearing the happiness from her face. "Oh! Goodness, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." Another blink and she burst into a beaming smile. "Oh, Taryn! I was just coming to find you. Come. You have got to come. I've just met her and she's so wonderful and precious. You have to see."

Before Taryn could protest, insisting she had no intention of meeting anyone, wonderful, precious or otherwise, the dragon seized her wrist and dragged her into the depths of the citadel.

* * *

DESPITE HAVING SPENT several days exploring Aquila with her friends, Orla had never been to this section before. Lieutenant Dhori seemed confident of the way, but he should be as this particular part of the citadel held the private quarters of tutors and officers and was strictly off limits to students.

Curiosity overrode Orla's natural sense of caution. If a lieutenant didn't have the right to bring guests here, who did? But despite having trained under Dhori's watchful eye in Nimbys, Orla couldn't claim to know the man well enough for him to seek out her company. She didn't know anyone at Aquila well enough for that, not even Captain Stirla and his generous kindness.

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