Morgana's suspicion

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"What just happened?" Lily asked the girls looking confused.
"He let us go." Laney said turning to her.
"Why?" Lily added.
"Who cares. We're free." Sarah told them.
"So what do we do now?" Maya asked
The girls thought for a minute.
"We could go find Merlin." Laney told them "And thank him." She added.
"Ok then let's go." Sarah said.
"Where will he be now?" Maya asked
"Gaius' chamber probably." Evie told them heading towards the physicians chamber.

The girls walked to the chambers but stopped half way because someone was shouting after them. They turned around to see to their surprise, The Lady Morgana.

"My Lady?" Evie said looking at her.
"I just wanted to congratulate you." She said looking at them all individually.
"What for?" Maya asked.
"Not everyone can stand up to Uther like that and get away with it."
The girls smiled.
"Why did he let us go?" Laney asked
Lady Morgana looked at Laney as she asked that. "I don't know. Did he not say?" She asked confused.
"No." The girls said together.
"That is strange especially for Uther." She said. "Where are you from?" Morgana added

The girls eyes were full of fear and dread when she asked that.

"Well?" Morgana added waiting for an answer.
"You wouldn't believe us if we told you." Sarah told her
"Really? Why is that?"
"It's hard to explain." Lily added.
"I saw you earlier going to Gwens house."
"Gwens house?" They said waiting for her point.
"Wearing strange clothing."
"We've been wearing this all day. I don't know what you are talking about." Maya quickly snapped.
"These are Guinevere's dresses. She's my handmaiden, I would know."
"We're just borrowing them." Sarah told her.
"What are you girls hiding?" She asked narrowing her eyes at them.
"Nothing." They told her, the dread raising in them.
"If you girls are hiding something, I will find out."
"We're not." Laney told her quickly.
"Hmmm" Morgana said as she turned around and headed back to the castle.
"Why does nobody trust us in this village?" Maya asked looking at the floor.
"Don't worry Maya. They'll get bored eventually. Come on let's go see Gaius." Lily told Maya putting her arm around her as they all headed to see Gaius.

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