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Hey peeps! How are you all?!? Hope you're doing well. Thank you for 4.5k reads and 500+votes on my work. This means a lot to me. Also I'm literally so so so sorry for not updating for so long. I was busy with my school stuff. I was so superbly stressed with the revision tests for the annual exams. And also for the people who I promised for an update, here is the one. Hope you like it. Please do vote and comment on my work. Don't be a silent reader. Please let me on you're opinions on my work.

Namjoon and I separated from each other from a hug before walking into the building making our perspective ways. He walked to the other side of the building making his way towards his office and I moved towards my class.

As I walked into the building, I was met with some stares. I shrugged off the glances which I'm receiving from the people. I stopped in my tracks and looked around finding Racheal and her minions at a corner of the hallway looking at me. I know it was her way to trap me into some useless drama making some bad rumours around.

I can go pull her by the collar and a punch in her face and ask her to spill the truth around the others. But I don't wanna make a big dramatic scene here by punching her caked up face. I walked into my class without removing my strong gaze at her.

Yesterday she was too clingy to Namjoon, making him get irritated for every sec. she sassily gave me an answer before tugging her hand around Namjoon's arm. But he removed her hands which were around his arm, a bit harshly, before walking towards me. She shouted at me that I'm gonna regret it soon. But to be honest Her behaviour pissed me off yesterday.

"Good morning students. Today is a special day for you guys. Mr. Kim is gonna check your works and talents by giving you some assignments. This may be a better opportunity to prove yourself where you're lacking in." Mr. Han, the principal, leaves the class after his announcement.

Then the classroom door was opened by the person who I admire, who I love the most. One of his hands tucked in his pockets and the other was holding some papers. His hair was parted to the side, and some of his strands fell on his forehead and His handsome face. Every time I saw him, I couldn't help but to admire him. He's perfect in his own way.

He places the papers at a side of the desk and greets the students. After some small greets from the students, he assigns some work to us, before distributing the papers around the class. He sits on his table, after clearing the doubts, which some people have about the work.

I couldn't help but to admire him. I kinda stole some glances at him but I got caught by him. He smirks as he sees me staring at him. "Do your work babe" he mouthed.

I smiled before looking into the paper which was placed on my desk, working on it.

After a few minutes of drowning into the papers, a paper was thrown from god knows where, onto my desk. I looked around the class before picking up the paper.

"This is the last chance I'm giving you. Leave my man alone. Say that you don want to be his girlfriend anymore. So that he comes to me. If you ignore this you're gonna regret more."


Soon the bell rang, all the students started leaving the class after placing their papers on the teachers desk. Y/n looked around to see students disappearing from the class, leaving her, Namjoon, and Rachel alone.

She sighed, getting up, walking to his desk, where he was adjusting the whole pile of papers neatly. Y/n submitted her paper and

"Joon. I have something to discuss with you."

"I'm fed up being your girlfriend.." She said with disappointment. His face suddenly showed sadness, nervous along with a confused face. "Why y/n-ah!? Did anyone say anything wrong. You don't love me anymore!?" His face was literally showing the fear of losing her.

"Joon. I'm fed up being your girlfriend." She repeated her words. " I'm now more interested in Mrs. Kim."She smiled gently, before walking to him hugging him tightly. Namjoon hugged her back, after regaining his senses from her words. Namjoon placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

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