Chapter 15 - Midnight Memories

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TW: mentions of rape


Louis Tomlinson woke up in a bed he didn't remember getting into.

The room was dark as he cracked open his eyes, pale streams of moonlight filtered through the curtains of, what he recognised with a start, was his hotel room.

He could hear noise, filtering through a slight gap in his door from the rest of the suite.

Louis wiped his eyes, stretching stiffly before aiming for his en-suite bathroom. He turned the shower to hot, barely registering the burning water as it scolded his skin. He washed his hair and brushed his teeth before throwing on a plain T-shirt and a baggy pair of tracksuit bottoms.

He stepped into the hallway, hearing a loud burst of laughter followed by the clinking of glasses and the rumble of excited chatter. Louis took a second to pause, taking a deep breath before waking out onto the main room.

"Well if it isn't Mr Sleepy ass." Liam drawled from his seat on the sofa, Zayn tucked under his arm, doodling idly on a sketch pad.

Louis glared at him, peering round the room. Mitch and Sarah were sat on the floor together, both with a drink in hand. The former was smiling softly as his partner teased Niall endlessly, earning amused glances from the boys and a playful scowl from the man himself.

Harry wasn't there and neither was Paul.

Louis, snapping back to reality, flipped Liam off, aiming for an empty armchair. He plopped down, tucking his legs underneath himself as he sunk into the cushions.

"Where's Haz?" He asked, glancing back towards their rooms.

"Sleeping probably. It's 3 in the morning." Liam said pointedly, throwing a glare towards Niall.

"Oh come on Li, live a little." The Irishman chucked, taking another big gulp of what appeared to be alcohol.

"How did we get here?" He asked, brows bunching together as he tried to remember the evening before.

Zayn smirked. "You fell asleep. On Haz." He teased, pointedly mocking the nickname in amusement.

Louis rolled his eyes, grumbling slightly. "You still didn't answer my question."

Liam laughed. "He carried you dumbass. You're small enough and he didn't want to wake you."

Louis eyes widened slightly, a blush creeping up his cheeks as he tried to hide his gawking face. He heard the boys chuckle and glanced quickly to his left. Mitch was frowning slightly, whispering something in Sarah's ear, his eyebrows bunched in confusion.
Louis adverted his eyes.

"First things first I am not small and-"

Louis was cut off abruptly when a scream rang through the suite.

He flinched and jumped up immediately, the others looked at each other in shared confusion.

He heard a sob and adrenaline electrified his whole body. The boys shot up, Mitch included, and looked for the source with panicked expressions.

Louis held up a hand, freezing them in place.

"No." He said, voice authoritative and clear.
"Stay here. Don't follow me. This isn't any of your business."

The boys glared slightly, hesitantly sitting back down. Mitch remained standing, eyes cast towards the hallway. He made to move but Louis stopped him.

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