Lilacs POV.
I was awoken by three pairs of feet running up the stairs.
I groaned into my pillow.
"LILA" I heard clay scream as he threw open my bedroom door.
I groaned louder annoyed that he had to wake me up like this.
"Oi Lila mums taking us to diagonal alley to get our things for school!" He yelled again jumping to my side.
"AND WE ARE COMING TOO" I heard George and Nick scream.
I sat up and glared at clay.
"God why do you wake me like this every morning?" I ask him standing up.
"Oh come on get dressed and we will meet you down stairs, I'll make you a tea if you hurry" he said walking out.
"YES THANK YOU" I scream throwing my arms in the air.
He giggles and runs down the stairs with George while nick lingers for a moment before following them down.
I rubbed my eyes and yawned, tiredness overwhelmed me.
I rubbed the back of my neck and went to the bathroom with my clothes under my arm.
I run the water on the tap and splash some on my face, waking me up instantly.
I shake it off then I get dressed into a green tie dye shirt and some black leggings before grabbing my back pack and phone before rushing downstairs.
My mum, puffy was making four sandwiches in her usual red coat and pirate like hat, her fluffy, curly half white half rainbow hair was up in a ponytail and bouncing around with every move she made.
My brother was making my tea he promised me in his usual green hoodie and black pants like me.
George had his sunglasses on top of his head and his light blue shirt and dark blue pants.
Nick had a white baggy shirt and white bandana with grey sweatpants.
I looked on the chair and my red coat similar to puffys was waiting for me.
I quickly slipped it on and looked down at the delicate golden pattern, coiling around it.
"Oi here's your tea now let's go, go, go" clay said to me pushing a tea cup into my hands.
I savoured it's overly sweet taste, clay always put in at least 3 spoons of sugar into my tea just the way I liked it.
I placed down the mug once I finished my tea and ran into the dining room and saw everyone standing around our fire place.
Puffy grabbed a cup on the highest shelf and passed it to clay.
"Alright ducking you go first, remember to say where you want to go clearly" she told him.
"Yes, yes I know how it works"
He stood in the middle and gave me a thumbs up.
"DIAGON ALLEY" he shouted before throwing the powder down and disappearing into green flames.
I stared at the place he disappeared in awe.
George went next then nick who winked at me before disappearing.
"Alright duckling are you ready?" Puffy asked me passing me some floo powder.
"Hell yea let's go" I said bouncing off.
I closed me eyes and shouted.
Then I was in another place.
I looked around and saw a bustling crowd.
Then I spotted the boys waiting for me.
I jogged over to where they were and we waited for our mother.
She appeared not long after and we ran into the crowd all holding hands, puffy was at the front holding my hand and I was holding clays and he was holding George's who was holding nicks hand.
Puffy gave us all some money each.
"Remember only get what's on the list and meet back at olivanders"
Then we all split up.
I left to the robe shop first.
I stood on a podium next to a boy with pale skin and white hair.
We stood in silence as we were being measured.
"So, what house do you recon you will be in?" He asked breaking the silence.
"I'm not sure honestly, I think I would be in either gryffindor or slytherin" I replied happy to have someone to talk to.
"I think I would be slytherin, it's a bit of a family heritage"
"Same, my mum was in gryffindor and my father was in slytherin"
"Both of my parents were slytherin"
"Alright sweetie your all good to collect your robes" the lady measuring me interrupted.
"Thank you, I'll see you around...what's your name?" I asked the boy as she handed me the robes.
"Malfoy, draco malfoy, and you?"
"Lilac but call my Lila" and with that I left the shop and went to get some books.
I quickly grabbed all the books I needed along with three sketch books.
I then grabbed everything else I would possibly need along with art supplies and then I headed to olivanders early.
I entered the store and saw a boy in there, studying the wand in his hands with a much older looking man looking at the wand in awe.
The old man I expected was olivander looked up at me when I entered the shop.
"Ah hello there and welcome to my wand store now please let me take a look at you and ask some questions" he said scurrying over to me.
I stood still and looked up at him.
"Alright so you are quite tall, one green one red, hmm" he mumbled observing me.
"Alright if you found a chest full of magical artefacts what would you chose, a silver dagger, a jewel-" he asked me.
"The dagger" i said immediately cutting him off.
"Oh uh ok then, what would your friends describe you as?"
"Energetic, determined, bold, dangerous" I named all the things the boys have told me.
"Hmmm" he ran back behind the counter and came back a few seconds later.
"Roman wood with a Phoenix feather core, 13 inch and unbending flexibility" he said while passing me a long light brown wand with a pattern similar to my coats pattern.
The moment I touched it I felt a strong connection.
"Thank you, it's perfect" I told him.
I looked up and saw the boy with glasses observing my wand.
"What wand did you get?" I asked him, he was slightly taken aback by my kindness.
"I got holly wood also with a Phoenix feather core" he said holding it next to mine.
"I'm Lila by the way" I said sticking my hand out to him.
"Harry, Harry Potter" he told me shaking my hand.
I froze for a split second.
"Wait THE Harry Potter? My mum was friends with your parents" I said excitedly.
"Wait she knew them?"
"Yea she tells me and my brother about all of the mischief she got up to with your dad and how your mum was great to talk to"
"Wow" he said bewildered.
Then we heard the doorbell ring.
We turned around and there was a giant scruffy man standing in the doorway holding a cage with a snowy owl inside.
"Ello arry, made a friend already av ya?" He spoke cheerfully.
"Hello Hagrid, what are you doing with that owl" Harry replied
"It's for you! A birthday present"
"Oh it's your birthday?" I ask him.
"No that was yesterday" he explained.
"Oh ok but still happy birthday for yesterday" I said cheerfully before waving goodbye and walking out the door.
It wasn't long until mum and the boys arrived with everything they needed.
We all left laughing and joking around.
I was excited for my time at hogwarts to begin
1260 words wow
A dream in Harry Potter (a dream SMP inside Harry Potter story)