MaH (It's Just Food Poisoning...)

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T/W This imagine is based around Max being in hospital, if that upsets you feel free to skip, I will be changing some parts, like they're not in France, they're in Australia. That's because I wanted to include the Bondi Lifeguards in it some how. Also not all of these will be this long, I just got carried away. (Imagine the pic is 18 year old them, not 15 year old them)

Max's POV
It was just a normal day in Australia, our holiday was going great! I woke up feeling sick, it was probably from the egg I ate yesterday. Today we're going to Bondi Beach, I climbed out of bed and got ready for the short car journey. The car ride made me feel so much worse so when everyone was singing 'I'm Not Famous' by AJR I tried to get some sleep. My dad went over a speed bump causing my seatbelt to tighten, I said some words that are not appropriate for my 9-year-old sister to hear, resulting in me getting yelled at.

We got to the beach and I could barely stand. Harvey began to realise something wasn't right. He grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder trying to keep me up. "Max, what's wrong? You look really pale." Harvey said.

"I think I've got food poisoning from the egg I ate yesterday. My stomach really hurts." I groaned leaning on my twin as a wave of pain hit me.

"Sit down where you can, if you feel worse tell me, and we'll have to tell mum. I feel like it's something worse." Harvey said.

"But Harv, it's just food pois..." I don't remember finishing my sentence which is weird.

Harvey's POV
"But Harv, it's just food pois..." Max said, passing out before he could finish his sentence.

"Mum! Get a lifeguard, somethings wrong with Max!" I panicked.

"He's probably just dehydrated, it's really hot today and I haven't seen him have a drink all day." Mum said, I can sense it, he isn't dehydrated, and he doesn't have food poisoning, it's a twin thing.

"If you say so." I muttered carrying Max to a bench where he lay until he came back around. "Max! Drink this, mum said you haven't had a drink all day." I said giving him my water because mum walked Tilly down to the ocean.

"Thank... you... Harvey." He said slowly, and quietly.

"You're welcome Max." I said, he slowly drunk some water. Me and Max stayed sat down for a bit to allow him to regain some strength.

"I'm going to be sick." Max said before throwing up.

"Max, I really don't think you just have food-" I was cut off by him continuously throwing up, twenty-six times in total, each time consisted of 3 spurts. By the time he was done he had completely emptied his stomach. "Are you ok?" I asked Max worried, he shook his head clutching the right side of his stomach. "Max, something's really wrong with you, I'm getting mum." I said and went to get mum. "Mum! There's something really wrong with Max. He threw up twenty-six times in a row, each time 3 times!" I said quickly. "That probably didn't make any sense, he's thrown up a lot.

"Harvey, he's going to be fine, stop worrying." Mum said calmly but I could tell she was becoming worried. I nodded, giving in to her and walking back to Max, he looked worse than when I left him.

"Harvey." Max said weekly. "Help me, please." I ran up to him and grabbed him, just before he fell to the ground.

"Max, I don't care what mum says, you're really not well! You're so pale," I placed the back of my hand on his forehead, pulling away instantly. "and you're burning up."

We took our time walking to where everyone was because Max was really shaky. "Harvey?" Max said, I nodded. "I don't want Tilly to see me like this." I could sense the fear in his voice.

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