
388 6 30

Now..what do i have to say about this ship? Well... for one thing- i think this ship is toxic because well, it appears that drew is kind of controlling jake over the years. Sure he might have a crush on him but i dont really like it qwq. Also- i think Drake has a small chance of becoming cannon and heres why (sorry Drake shippers).

For one thing- its a little bit obvious, when lander became cannon i bet none of us expected it- rosy didnt show clear signs of it becoming cannon but it did, meanwhile, if Drake were to become cannon for real, Rosy madenit stick out.

Secondly, Rosy made it clear that Jake has gotten annoyed with drew calling the club freaks in the episodes. I have a feeling that Jake will leave his homies one day.

Thirdly, Jake has shown no signs of effection for drew, but this could happen in the future so its not clear.

So all in all, in my opinion this ship is 0/10

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