Chapter 9- you still what?!

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The date was great. Both girls got to know more about each other and it was all good. By 11:40 they were heading back to their dorm rooms.

J:" this was really fun."

Ja:" yeah, it was."

J:" Jade I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

Ja:" i would love to."

Jade kiss Josie before Lizzie came out of Josie's dorm.

Li:" didn't we say no funny business?"

Ja:" sorry.."

Lizzie glared at Jade before grabbing Josie and dragging her in the room.

J:" what was that for?"

Li:" don't start with that.. just tell me how it went."

J:" it went good. I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes." Josie smiled, but I quickly faded.

Li:" what wrong?"

J:" nothing."

Li:" jo I know you're lying. Even though you're not giggling."

J:" how do you know I giggle when I lie?"

Li:" mom told me."

J:" i knew she would tell you that."

Li:" tell me what's wrong."

J:" it's just- I really like Jade, but I still have feelings for Hope. They just don't wanna go away."

Li:" you still what?!" Josie just looked at her. Li:" oh, this is great." Lizzie muttered not loud enough for Josie to hear.

J:" what?"

Li:" nothing. But I think if you still like her, you should tell her."

J:" no, i can't. I'm with Jade now."

Li:" but what if you and Hope are meant to be?"

J:" doubt that. Plus like I said, Jade and I are together."

Li:" I heard the first time." Lizzie paused for a while. Li:" you know, now that I think about it, Hope and Jade kinda look alike. Hope is obviously better looking. But Hope and Jade both have blue eyes. They both a little shorter than you. And they look at you the same way."

J:" your point is?"

Li:" you're trying to see Jade as Hope."

J:" I'm not. It's always going to be Jade."

Li:" why? You still love Hope. Why not her?"

J:" because she's hurt me and sometimes things with her are so complicated."

Li:" that's what love is. Not all of it, but love hurts and it had its complications too. Don't forget that Josie. But love is also easy. It makes you feel good, it brings you life. And I know when you're with Hope it feels easy. It makes you feel great. Jade isn't Hope, but you keep trying to see Jade as Hope. And we both know that, that's not gonna work. So please for that love of Hope, break up with Jade and get with Hope."

J:" Lizzie I can't do this now. Can you please leave me alone. I'm tired."

Lizzie didn't argue with Josie, just rolled her eyes and left to her mom room.

Li:" ugh, I hate Josie right now. I'm so fucking tired of her shit. She loves Hope, but won't give up Jade. I just wanna scram at her for everything, but I can't. God sometimes she just gets on my nerves. And- and-"

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