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Meanwhile at Bencana's studio;

Luq and the band members are doing another audition to choose a new vocalist for the band.

"Still no luck today?" asked Luq.

"Yeah. It's hard to find suitable vocalist for us" replied Hariz.

"Don't worry. I'm sure we will find one" said Zuwe.

"That's true" said FH then.

"Yeah. Let's continue it next week" said Luq. The rest just nodded.

Few days later;

Bencana members were setting up their instruments before their jamming session.

"Did you guys heard it?" asked Hariz.

"Heard what?" asked Zuwe in returned.

"Dinn went to audition to be the new vocalist of Prime Domestic" replied Hariz.

"Did he get it?" asked FH.

"Of course not. My mentor; Joe is the leader after all and he knew everything about us" replied Hariz.

"Well, even if he didn't knows, things will be obvious though of how Dinn is always skipping practice just by listening to his singing" replied Zuwe.

"That's true" said FH then.

"I know. But that won't stop him. I heard that he will be go for the audition for Malaysian Idol next" said Hariz.

"That reality TV show is back, huh. Good for him. Then, he will bears everything alone because he's a bad bandmate after all" replied Zuwe.

"That's true. Just let him be for now. He's not our concern anymore" said FH. Hariz and Zuwe just nodded.


"Do you really think they will take me?" asked Zarep.

"Well, you wouldn't know unless you try" replied Ella.

"But, I've been audition with many bands now. None of them even bothered to listen to my singing. They directly said that they didn't want anyone with criminal record in their band. Maybe I should just give up" said Zarep.

"And let your parents think that they're right when they said that you're useless? No way. Now, let's go" replied Ella. Zarep just sighed before walked into a studio.

Later on;

"Told you so" said Zarep as he and Ella left the studio.

"What's wrong with all bands nowadays? So prejudice" said Ella.

"This is what this world is all about, Aunty El" said Zarep.

"Don't worry, nephew. We will get you into a band. Don't worry about it" replied Ella.

"Fine then. But next time, it will be the last time. If I can't even get to show my singing, I'm done. I'm tired of it already" said Zarep. Ella just sighed.

2 days later;

Bencana is receiving few more singer that want to be their vocalist. But;

"Sorry, you failed"

"You're not the one we're looking for"

"You're not ready"

Every single of them got rejected.

"Man, this getting tough" said Hariz.

"That's true. If this continues, we might ended up with no sole vocalist at all" said Zuwe then.

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