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I kept holding her hand. I held it and kissed it and never let it go. A few minutes later Chloe walked in.
"Ahad" she says. I turn my head and see her. I get up and she walks closer to me. She hugs me.
"Ahad. How is she?"
"So far she has a broken arm and bruised ribs. Haven't heard anything else."
"It's just you here?"
"Yeah. Her parents and Steven and Michelle left. I told them too. They looked tired."
"How about you?"
"I'm fine. I just feel guilty."
"Guilty? Why? You didn't do anything."
"Because. She was on her way to your house after a fight we had. If I didn't come home late she wouldn't have to drive"
"Ahad. Ahad. Sit down and listen. It's not your fault." She grabbed my hand giving me assurance.
"Car accidents happen. Don't worry she'll be fine. Just have positive thoughts."
"It's just. I don't know."
"Listen. I brought some Chinese food. You look hungry." She took out some of the food from a bag and set it on the table.
After we ate her phone rang.
"I have to go. I'll be here tomorrow. Just make sure you get some rest alright?" Chloe said. I stood up and hugged her and said.
"Thank you Chloe. I'll tell her you visited."
"Remember to sleep ok? She'll be fine. She's a fighter."
"I will." When she left I pulled out the ring and played with it. I sat back down and put it back in my pocket. Before I knew it, I woke up and the sun was up. I checked my phone and it was 9:47 am. As soon as I put my phone down the doctor walked in.
"Oh. Umm good morning. Are you?" He pointed at Madison.
"Good morning. Yeah I'm her Boyfriend." I stood up and shook her hand.
"Ahh I see."
"So doc, what do you have?"
"Well we did a few tests. Last night we concluded that she has 3 bruised ribs and her broken arm. Then we also found out she may have a minor concussion from the impact. Also there was a bruise that we wanted to check on." She said walking towards Madison.
She lifted up Madison's gown to just above her belly button. There was a medium sized bruise. It was purple-ish.
The doctor put on a glove and was testing it.
"Right now you can see that it's still sensitive. That means that it will heal but will leave a minor mark. Nothing to worry about there."
"That's good. About her ribs?"
Before she said anything Madison's heart beat monitor started going off.
"Nurse!" The doctor said. A nurse walked in and heard the monitor. She called over 4 more nurses. One of the nurses asked me to leave the room.
"No. Why? I need to stay with her."
"Sir you need to leave. Just stay in the waiting room. It will only take a few minutes." I of course didn't want to leave.
"Sir this can only go one way. Don't make me call security." I hesitated. Then I finally left. I was pissed off and worried. I wanted to be with her. I burst open the waiting room door but I didn't see a few kids there. I scared them.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare them." I said to the parent.
"No it's alright. They understand."
"Mommy is that man angry." Said the little girl.
"No Jess. He's just worried." She said quietly.
"Only he knows. If he wants too he can tell us." I walked away and sat across the room. I sat there eagerly waiting. I did everything to avoid thinking the worst things. From tapping my feet, fiddling with my thumbs to pacing around the room. An hour went by and I got a text. It was Steven.
'Hey Ahad. Heard anything from the doctors yet?'
Before I could reply my phone dies.
"Shit." I say out loud. There was a teenage girl, around 17, with her mom in front of me.
"Sorry." I say to the girls mother.
"What happened?" The girl says.
"My phone died. You don't have a charger would you?"
She goes into her purse and pulls out a charger and hands it to me. Her mother gave her a death stare.
"Thank you." I say as I plug in the charger.
"No problem."
I get my phone to turn on and reply to Steven.
'They checked a bruise that was on her stomach. She said it'll heal up. Same with the 3 ribs.'
' Ok. Thanks.'
'Wait Steven. There's one more.'
'Don't tell your mom though. I don't want her to worry.'
'Ahad what?'
'When I asked about the ribs her heart beat monitor went crazy. I've been in the waiting room since 10. They're not letting anybody in.'
'Ok ok. Just get info as soon as you can'
'I will.' And the convo ended.
10 to 15 minutes later the PA says
"Ahad Raja to the main lobby please. Ahad Raja to the main lobby. Thank you." I hand the charger to the mother and thank them again. I rush over and go to the lady.
"I was called to the main office"
"How's Madison?"
"Doctors are still in there calming her heartbeat."
"Can I go in yet?"
"No unfortunately."
"Then why was I called"
"There's a few reporters outside asking for you."
"What?" She points out the door and I see a few guys with cameras outside being blocked by security.
I head over there. I open the door and the camera guys go crazy.
Yelling my name.
"Hey hey. Relax. This is a fucking hospital. You guys have no respect for privacy? For fucks sake!"
"Ahad answer some of our questions."
"What happened to Madison?"
"Did you hit her?"
"There's a report that you were following her around when she left your apartment angry."
I was getting angry.
"Ahad why'd you punch her?" That was the last straw. I moved the security guy out of the way and hit the guy square in the face. The security guards pushed me back into the hospital and the camera lights were flashing. I knew I did the wrong thing but he had it coming. They brought the guy in and he was holding his nose and it was bloody.
"Hey you got a little blood right here" I said pointing at his nose. The security guard moved me back to the waiting room.
My phone rang. It was Madison's agent, Shannon. I answered
"Ahad? What the hell did you just do?"
"I punched a guy."
"He said I hit Madison and that's why she's in the hospital."
"Dammit. Has your agent called you?"
"Not yet."
"Ok ok. Listen. No more punches!"
"Alright alright."
"Im coming to see Madison in a two days. How is she?"
"She's fine." I answered angrily
"Ok. I'll see you soon." She said and hung up. Immediately my agent called me.
"Ahad wtf?"
"Listen. These past hours have been fucked up for me ok. I couldn't handle it anymore." There was a silence.
"Ok look. I'll fix it. I'm still in Arizona. Just don't worry about. Just stay with Madison. I'll....I'll deal with it. Just I have one more question."
"How did they know which hospital you were in?"
"I don't know." All of a sudden I got a Twitter notification. My friend retweeted something. I click it. It led me to a tweet that read
'Ahad Raja of the LA Kings is using my charger at the Beverley Hospital 😍 #mcm'. It was the teenage girl that I borrowed the charger from.
"Tommy it was a tweet. Check my last RT. I'mma call you later."
"Fuck. Ok I'll call you later."
I walked over to the girl and sat beside her.
"So you have Twitter eh?" She didn't answer. Her mom wasn't there at the moment.
"You probably heard what happened huh?" She slowly nodded her head.
"Next time ask if you want to post something about someone's private life just ask ok?"
"Ok" she said
"One more thing. MCM?"
"Man Crush Monday"
"Ahh. Thanks for that." I walked away. I sat across the room.

Hours later I finally got called to the E.R. I saw the doctor.
"Ahad. Madison has internal bleeding around her stomach area. That bruise that we were talking about. That may have been that cause."
"Is she ok now?"
"We have it under control for now but we had to drain a lot of blood out."
"So we are going to need a donor."
"What type?"
"O-. What we can do is test some people for that."
"What do you mean by people?"
"Like family. Or even friends. Or even yourself."
"I'm gonna call her family and some of her friends. Hopefully some of them would have O- right?"
"Ok I'll call them."

I went to the waiting room and contacted a few close friends of Madison's. The only friend that was in LA was Chloe. An hour later Madison's parents arrived with Steven, Michelle and their 3 year old William. Chloe followed 15 minutes later.
We gathered in the waiting room.
"The doc said that they need O-. Anybody know their blood type?" I ask.
"I'm AB." Said Madison's father.
"So am I." Said Steven.
"I'm an A+" said Michelle.
"So that leaves myself, William, Mrs Pettis and Ahad." Chloe said.
Michelle carried William and followed the rest of us 3 to the nurse.
"We are the only ones that don't know our blood types." I said pointing at Chloe, Madison's mom, William and myself.
"Ok that's alright. We can test all 4of you. Just follow me." The nurse said.
We followed her and she took us to the donor part of the hospital. We all sat in our separate chairs. 4 nurses came in and took our blood.
"Ok guys. We'll test these. For right now drink all the juice and sit there for 5 minutes." 5 minutes past and the nurse we can go back to the waiting room. We all left and waited. Finally the doctor came back and we all stood up.
"Ok I have the good news and bad news."
"Ok what's the good news?" I asked.
"The good news is that we found a match. In fact we found two."
"Awesome. That's great." Michelle said.
"Which two?" Chloe said.
"The thing is. Only O-'s can give to O-'s. The two matches are....."

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