Engaged to the Future King of Russia

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His punches began to feel like pillows and I knew I was about to die. I'd fought hard against him and gotten more than one hit in. But I was going to die like this. How dare he think I was just going to let him kill me? Someone was working alongside him and shut me in here at the wrong time. Why'd I have to ask who he was? He wasn't about to do anything to me until I asked him that. I'm such an idiot.

Then I was being thrown aside. I skidded out into the hall and hit the wall. Who had done this? Was Tyler already giving up? I struggled to sit up and found myself staring at Dean's back. He had taken out his gun and was pointing it at Tyler. Now Dean is an excellent shot and I'm positive he could have hit Tyler in the forehead if he wanted to. They were warning shots, but Tyler didn't think so. If I hadn't been where I was now, then I would have been hit by Tyler's bullets when he pulled out his gun.

I watched in both anger and fear as Dean jumped the table, avoiding Tyler's bullets, and shoved him up against the wall. Where the hell was Cynthia? She said she would be here. I'd left my phone at the hotel by accident. There was no way I could have called her and asked for help before Dean came. Everything had turned to crap and I didn't have the energy to back away from the door now and call for help.

The darkened hallway was quiet as I watched the fight. Their guns were of no use now. The bullets had been used up. Tyler lost his chance to kill Dean the second he successfully jumped over the table. I could hear Dean's fists connecting with his face, and it wasn't a pleasant sound. He was going to kill him. I couldn't stop them. Did I want to stop them? Yes. Am I dumb enough to stand in between them and stop Dean from killing a wanted criminal? Hell no.

The next thing I know, Dean is flying out the room past me. He hit the wall and I heard something crack. It couldn't have been the wall. Come on, I'm trying to be realistic here. Dean would have to be a monster to not come out of this fight without any injuries. Tyler had to be an idiot to think that he had a chance since Dean could be injured right now. When Tyler came hurtling towards me, I thought my life was over.

I curled into a ball and froze when a gust of wind blew past me. Was a window opened or something? I peeked out from under my hair to find that I was in fact still alive and Tyler was nowhere to be seen. I looked over to where Dean had been and found him gone, too! There was a loud crack to my left. My eyes slowly dragged in that direction to see Tyler bent at a weird angle. He was still alive, but I could see that he was willing to die at that point. If it were me, I'd be begging Dean to hurry up and kill me.

Had he broken his back? I don't know. It could have been his back or Tyler used to be a gymnast. Dean got up and I thought he was going to leave him there, but of course he didn't. Dean picked up Tyler and said something to him. I was thinking then that he'd drop him. What is wrong with me? Dean was trained to protect his boss and anyone his boss associates himself with him. Of course he has to kill Tyler. And that's what he did.

Dean snapped Tyler's neck. And if that wasn't enough, he threw him at the wall to make sure he was really dead. Blood sprayed along the wall. I backed away, not wanting any blood to land on me. As much as I wanted to thank Dean for saving me, I wouldn't forgive him for covering me in Tyler's blood.

He finally calmed down and looked back at me. My mouth was open, but no words would come out. Now I really believe Zach when he told me Dean would never be defeated. The man's an effing cyborg. I couldn't believe he took down a man that's had double his training time and came out with barely any scars. This was crazy.

"You okay?" he asked as if he hadn't just killed a man.

"...Y-yeah." I pursed my lips.

"Let's go. No telling who's heading this way now."

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