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"i think that's the last of them," taehyung huffed as he dropped jeongguk's bag into his room. today was the day jeongguk moved in with his family, awwwww how sweeeeet. did you notice the sarcasm? "what the fuck did you pack in these bags?

"essentials." jeongguk carelessly dropped one of his bags on taehyung's bed. the bed he thinks he'll be sharing with taehyung. pff, as if tae would let that rat in his bed.

"'essentials'," he used air quotation marks to make his emphasis, "what? the fucking kitchen?"

"he just stepped into the house, how are you arguing already?" jimin walked in with yoongi behind him, both carrying a bag of jeongguk's too. they came to help since they knew if they weren't watching them, all hell would break loose and there'd be a murder charge.

"i'm not even arguing with him! just because i have work stuff, i have to bring more bags then normal people." jeongguk glared at taehyung, the younger returning the stare as the other two sighed and started unpacking jeongguk's things and setting them up around the room.

— — —

it was now night, the two youngest were playing with their toys in the living room and soobin was upstairs on his PS4, playing one of the games jackson had recently bought for him. jeongguk was watching something in the living room while playing with the kids from time to time and taehyung was cooking, he was making traditional korean barbecue as it was suggested by taeyang and — well — taehyung loved to listen to his babies.

a knock rang through the house, taehyung too busy singing to himself to hear it so jeongguk waited a moment before going to the door and opening it. he was surprised to see jackson, "hi?"

"jeongguk? what are you doing here?" he raised his eyebrow, completely confused as to why the younger male was stood in his lover's house.

"because i live here? what are you doing here?"

"you live here? i think the fuck not, where's taehyung?" he pushed past jeongguk and stepped into the house, going straight into the living room as jeongguk tried to stop him.

tae heard the two voices and stepped out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel he grabbed off the side. "jackson?"

the said male looked over at the brunette and smiled at him, "hey."

"you've seen him, now get out." jeongguk was adamant on getting the blonde out the house, frown etched onto his features.

"no no, it's okay," tae walked over to jackson, "why are you here?" he placed a chaste kiss on jackson's lips, both smiling softly once he pulled away.

"i forgot to give you the rice you called me about earlier," he held up the small sack, letting a breath of relief escape taehyung's lips, taking the sack from the other's hold.

"thank you, baby," he walked back into the kitchen, jackson following as he planned to stay for a minute or two.

jeongguk was completely gone. what the fuck just happened? "baby"? a kiss? are they dating? what the fuck!! why's he dating that blonde haired bitch? i'm way better- wait what?

"daddy! daddy! come play trains!" taeyang tugged on jeongguk's pant leg, holding up a toy train with one hand while tugging with the other. jeongguk looked down at him and nodded, snapping out of his gaze and sitting down with his two babies to play with them.

— — — (sorry about all the time skips)

jeongguk left the family home for the night, going back to his own home with his girlfriend as she had called and said she missed him. what could he do? ignore his baby girl?

he snuck out when everyone was asleep, he had told taehyung he would watch tv for an extra hour before going to bed to which the younger nodded and went upstairs to sleep; making it easier for jeongguk to sneak out.

"how was the first day?" they were sat on the couch, her dressed in a silk pink night gown while he was in sweats and a shirt. they were cuddling on the couch and watching a show they weren't really paying attention to.

"it was...eventful," he nodded, running a hand down her back. "he's dating jackson, which i definitely didn't expect. he's still feisty as fuck, i would blink and we'd end up arguing." he chuckled.

"nothing's changed then?" she giggled, looking up at jeongguk as he smiled and shook his head. "nope, not at all.

"you're both just competing at this point." she pointed out, resting her head on his chest as he frowned on confusion.

"what do you mean?"

"you're just both trying to see who can be the most mean to each other, who can come up with the best insults, who's the best parent, who's the most fun." she listed off, but continued to keep a neutral face.

"why do you have a point?" jeongguk chuckled out, tilting his head at her. "since when were you this smart?" he teased.

"heyyy, meanie." she giggled, hitting his chest softly. "i'm always smart. i just don't show it."

"mhm, you're so smart that when you took the cookies out the oven you didn't use gloves then complained it was hot."

"fuck you," she blushed in embarrassment. "i'm smart. just not with common sense..."

he chuckled, kissing her head softly as he traced on her back. "i'm kidding, i know you're smart, baby girl."

shuhua smiled at her boyfriend, "i think you two need to sit down and have a real talk. even if you hate each other, i think you guys can sort it out to a mutual level so that it doesn't effect the kids while you're living together."

he really did admire shuhua's maturity, he's still a child who just wants to hurt anyone that hurts him but hua is really smart and knows when she can play around and when she needs to be serious.

jeongguk nodded, letting out air through his nose as he tapped a beat on shuhua's hip. "i'll talk to him tomorrow when i go home from work."

"thank you, ggukie." he nodded again, letting his hand travel down to her thigh and under her night gown.

"i don't have to be up too early in the morning, y'know." he suggested, making shuhua roll her eyes but smile and sit upright.

"take your shirt off, dickhead."

/ / / a/n
ok but why am i making shuhua and gguk so cute??

a l s o if you're reading this when the chapter comes out and you're already at this point in the book, then go back to the characters, i've added shuhua 🤩

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