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the meal taehyung had prepared and served was going down well as taehyung, jeongguk, soobin, and soobin's girlfriend, yewon, all cleaned off their plates completely. taehyung always enjoyed seeing people enjoy his food, it gave him a sense of happiness and fulfilment as he cleared away the empty dishes and started to place them in the dishwasher.

the others chatted softly in the dining area as jeongguk walked over and gently rubbed his hand up and down taehyung's back. "need any help?" taehyung looked up at him and smiled softly, shaking his head. "are you sure?"

"positive." and jeongguk went back to sit down, only to be stopped by tae. "oh, hold on," he stood upright. "take that bowl in with four spoons and bowls. it's dessert." taehyung pointed over to the trifle he had prepared. he knew jeongguk and soobin were major fans of trifle, so he hoped yewon was too.

jeongguk nodded and picked it up walking over to the table and placing it down, asking yewon if she liked trifle to which, thankfully, she nodded her head. jeongguk smiled at her as he made his way back to the kitchen to get the spoons and bowls, glancing at taehyung from time to time as he stayed bent over to finish putting the plates in the dishwasher.

jeongguk averted his gaze when taehyung stood up, clearing his throat and walking back into the dining room. taehyung's eyes followed jeongguk's movements, but he made his way through to the dining area. "would anyone else like a drink?" the three shook their heads; taehyung nodded and sat down with them as they all stared at him expectantly, waiting for his makeshift gun to set off the race for the food.

taehyung smiled warm-heartedly and looked between them all, "dig in." and so they did. all three reaching for the large spoon, however soobin managed first; and by default started adding trifle to his girlfriend's bowl before his own — a simple gesture that can mean so much.

taehyung smiled as he watched them both talk and smile lovingly. he misses his relationship when he had that. he thought back to him and jeongguk, how jeongguk would do the little things which mattered the most — he would fold his washing, order taehyung's meals for him, brush off his hair whenever it got a little dirty. he rubbed his thighs softly, frown etching on his features as he found himself getting lost at the thoughts of him and jeongguk once again, staring at the trifle despite not really looking at it truly — only seeing a blur as he thought about it all.


"huh?" taehyung jumped softly as he felt a hand placed on his shoulder, looked to the side and saw jeongguk with his brows furrowed, then looked across at soobin and yewon, worry evident on their faces too. "i'm okay," he reassured, despite no one even asking. "just got a little lost." he smiled. letting his personality play it off as he went to grab the spoon for the trifle, only to notice jeongguk had a hand wrapped around the handle, and his plate had a good amount of the dessert already placed on it. it was perfect. a small amount of sponge and raspberries, perfect amount of custard and a large amount of whipped cream with extra strawberries. exactly how he always laid it out.

he frowned as he stared down at it. when did i get myself some? as if reading his mind, jeongguk's gruff voice spoke, "i did it. i just thought it made sense to lay it out for you first since you made it." it was only now that taehyung noticed jeongguk was in the process of placing his own on his plate.

he felt his features soften — jeongguk gave me a spoonful first. he didn't serve himself, he served taehyung, he wanted taehyung content before he even thought about himself, and the fact it was all exactly how taehyung was set it out shows the extra thought jeongguk put into it.

he always got his trifle last as he knew what he liked was different from everyone else — some might say he was fussy. he just knew how he liked it, but he knew everyone else enjoyed it the traditional way, so he began to wait until everyone was content before serving himself.

his eyes flicked up to jeongguk's and he offered a small smile, cheeks flushed as he found the words to respond. "thank you."

jeongguk simply nodded, placing a dollop on his own plate with his lips wet from his tongue swiping them in hunger. taehyung bit his own lip, smiling gently before he too stuck into the heavenly dessert.

— — —

taehyung fluffed up his pillow as he wore his dressing gown and pyjamas, face freshly washed as he was preparing himself for bed. he was letting out little hums each time he fluffed his pillow, smiling softly to himself as he thought about how he has two days alone in the house. no children, and soobin is at yewon's. what ever will he do? relax. that's. it. he just want to relax and catch up on all the work he missed with his agency.

despite not wanting to model anymore due to hate and backlash on him and jeongguk, he decided taking on hand modelling as a way to keep his income but keep his face out of public eyes. owning a family channel was enough, having to deal with shit on top of that? he can't do.

just as he peeled back the covers in order to slip into the sheets, a small knock was heard on the door. he looked up and let out a breath, remembering that jeongguk was still here — he forgot all about it.

taehyung sighed softly, jeongguk being leant against the doorframe as he smiled softly at taehyung. "hi," he let out, quietly. "kinda weird, huh?"

taehyung frowned at the sudden wording. "weird? what's weird?" jeongguk smiled.

"having the house alone and not being near each other." oh. taehyung nodded slowly; it's true. he remembers all the times him and jeongguk would pounce on the other whenever the kids would go to their uncle's or grandparents — how do you think they ended up with three kids?

"i guess so. times change. i'm kinda tired so uh, i'm gonna head to bed-"

"do you miss it?"

"miss what?"

"us." taehyung frowned at his ex, gripping the sheets softly before tearing his eyes away and focused them on fixing the sheets.

"you broke us. how could i miss that?" taehyung uttered, instantly regretting it as he was met with silence then the gentle patter of feet receding from the doorway and down the stairs.

taehyung rubbed his face in annoyance and sighed gently, shaking his head as he decided to climb into bed after removing his dressing gown. he shut his eyes and turned his bedside light off, cuddling into the sheets as he let himself doze off.

not long after, when he felt close to sleep, he heard the door slowly creak open and shut, footsteps walking towards the bed before someone sitting near his knees. they leant over and ever so gently kissed his head.

i know that scent. the familiar pinewood smell filled his nostrils as he breathed it in, feeling relaxed again as he knew jeongguk was the one kissing. he whispered softly, "just lie with me."

"i'd pass the line." he heard jeongguk whisper back.

"fuck the line, come cuddle me." taehyung kept his eyes shut, maybe if he kept them that way then he wouldn't need to face the wrongdoing. he felt the bed lift to its original form before the bed behind him dipped in with a body.

jeongguk slowly snaked his arms around taehyung's waist without permission, leaving them there as he held the elder close. taehyung felt uncomfortable at first, but knew at some point this would have to be what he accepted. so he did.

he felt his body instinctively cuddle back into jeongguk's strong one, the younger's arms pulling him closer and more firm as they just stayed in silence, only their own thoughts able to fill the silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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