Karuizawa Kei SS (Fanfic)

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(This particular timeline is right after the Y2V4 uninhabited island exam)

I was walking on the deck of the ship.

Seriously, where is that guy?

I already made an excuse to my friends earlier. Telling them that I'll catch up later to explore the ship with them. I was walking ahead and suddenly caught a glimpse of people far ahead. Though I can't clearly distinguish who they are at this range, I could sense that they're from the 2nd or 3rd years. I couldn't care less who those people were. Besides, I have to see Kiyotaka. I have to see my boyfriend. Since the school hasn't given us our phones back yet, he must've been searching for me too.

I decided to try checking on the other parts of the ship but just when I was about to turn around and leave, one of the people from the group far ahead was walking towards me. At least that's what I think. It also seems that they are done talking and that single figure was walking towards my way.

Should I run? I didn't want them to mistaken me for eavesdropping into their conversation. Besides, I was far enough to not hear them talking, right? As I hesitated, I narrowed my eyes and as the figure drew closer, I immediately abandoned the plan of escaping and searching the whole ship.

So he was here after all. Walking towards me. So he recognized me first huh? Did the 2 weeks of his absence made me forget even the slightest of his shadow? Just kidding.

Seriously though, Kiyotaka is here now. My boyfriend is walking towards me, right in front of me, and he recognized me first.

I could see Kiyotaka at last.

"Were you searching for me?" he asked.

"Not in the slightest" I teased him.

"I see"

He responded nonchalantly.

I didn't respond. I simply looked at him. His eyes straight right into mine.

To be perfectly honest, in those 2 weeks, there were times when I hoped to bump into him on that uninhabited island. And even though we did get to see each other on the 3rd day, we didn't get the chance to see each other for the rest of the exam. I... really missed him.

A memory from the 3rd day crossed my mind...


"What's wrong?"

Remembering that kiss from the 3rd day, I fell into a state of panic. My face was as red as a tomato.

Upon realizing that I wasn't responding, he continued talking.

"I was looking for you, Kei."

Calm down Kei, calm down. It's only a natural thing to get a kiss from your boyfriend. Besides, it was just a peck of kiss on the lips. A peck... of kiss... That's right, it was only a mere second and we were in the middle on an uninhabited island. But what if we weren't then? My mind was slowly delving into a different scenario, to which made me even blush harder. Aaah mou!!!

Kiyotaka tilted his head, as if asking me if there's something wrong.

Anyway, I'll keep that embarrassing imagination to myself.

"...Really? ...You seem to care more of meeting and talking to other people first rather than your own girlfriend." I complained, pouting.

"I just happened to walk past by some students while I was out looking for you, Kei. We merely talked about the aftermath of the exam."

"Aaah. I see... Well... me too, Kiyotaka. I was out looking for you too."

We moved to a certain spot in the aft deck of the ship so we won't get too much attention.

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