♕ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 45 ♕

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Hi guys!! I was free so decided to update! Anyways let's start the chapter,
Previously: Avu and Bhav had a cute argument on going to office/taking rest. Sm1, Sm2 and Sm3 are planning something 😈.
Let's continue.
Avu was making an angry cute pout (see the picture given above 👆) and Bhav was lecturing her on as to why the doctor isn't stupid and she should listen to him, but do u think convincing the Queen is easy? Nope here they were busy arguing and now and then Avu would make her cute/angry pout forgetting the presence of the others. And when she made the pout someone was just lost in her childishness and cuteness. It was obviously our hero, Siddharth Nigam.
He was continuously staring at her looking at her every moment, gesture and cute pouts. He internally chuckled!

Sid's POV
God!! She is looking so cute, I doubt she remembers that we are in here or else she would not be doing such childish behavior. But that's when it struck me! Bhavesh told earlier that she has tried suicide and is not in a good condition. Instead of arguing I would have just picked her up, put her in a car and take her home!! Should I do that!?
Sm: Who are u to her that she will let u!?
Umm.... As an employee I can take her.
Sm: Huh! Don't u hate her, have u forgotten what she did!?
Uh, yeah but still I somewhat still maybe care for her......
Sm: Of course u do, u dumbo! Cause u deep down know that whatever happened that day was a misunderstanding and out of anger u said her a lot of mean things! And look even now u are fine but she is still suffering! U left her alone yet she cares about ur business and company!!!! Can't u understand that deep down she still loves and cares for u all even though u abandoned her!!
Sid couldn't say anything as he knew this was just his mind telling him how wrong he was and still is but he was confused. He was brought out of his thoughts when someone shouted!
Sid's POV ends

Avu- FINE! I'll stay home for a week!
Bhav- And no physical activities including ur mafia work! (he said sternly)
Avu- Fine! U always do this to me!
Bhav- Cause I care about u (he said and hugged her)
Sid was getting really jealous so he just fake coughed so that they get to know that he and the gang were also present there. As soon as they heard the fake cough they parted the hug while the gang smirked looking at Sid.
Bhav- I am going home with Avu, u all can come after the work is completed (he said with a small smile)
Avu- No!
All looked at her confused, she then told the gang to go out of the cabin as she needs to talk with Bhav alone for a min, so they went out but they decided to eavesdrop as they all were like "Why Not!?" 😂 So they decided to hear what she was saying.......

Avu- Bhav how can u say that!? U know that even though I had a busy schedule today I came here only to check on them so that I can see that they are safe! I know that I supposedly hate them but u know I can't cause even though they don't consider me anything I still consider them my family!! (she said with tears in her eyes) The only reason I am coming here is to see them safe and in this week when I am going to be home, they too are going to work from home! Got it?
Bhav nodded and asked,
Bhav- What should I tell them though?
Avu- We don't owe them any them any explanation! U follow their cars on the way back as my men have went to do a little work for me!
Bhav- But u shouldn't drive!
Avu- I listened a lot of ur orders but not this one. U know na it's not safe. Remember one time one of the enemies fitted a bomb in my car, I barely got out safe!
Bhav just nodded and decided to go to the gang to let them know.

Whereas the gang and Sid was in tears listening to what Avu said about them and shocked to hear the bomb blast thing. When they saw Bhav heading towards the gate they decided to back off so that he doesn't suspect them at all.
Bhav- Guys u are going to work from home for a week so that u can be safe as we just got informed that there might be some danger. Anyways bye! (he left before they could all ask him questions)
All smiled seeing the concern that Avu still has for them..... That's when Sid said something that shocks them!





What do u think Sidneet said!?
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I updated as I had a little time today :)
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Till then,
Bye!! 💕

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