♕ 𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 71 ♕

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Hi guys!! How are u all? Anyways, me and Aayushixsidneet have started a community for sidneetians called 'The Banbit Community'!! Both readers and writers can join. Anyways let's start the chapter,
Previously: All except had went out shopping for the functions of the wedding. Sid had come early to check on Avu's health and they had spent some time romancing with each other which was disturbed by Jaan and then khalla. Khalla told sidneet that they cannot be together in the night. So now Sid had to do something for Avu before the next day (engagement day) in order to convince Avu for the marriage!!
Let's continue.
Sid was still in Avu's room planning how to make her forgive him, while the others were in the living room chatting.
Sid's POV
What should I do to make her forgive me!? I mean she literally has everything anyone could want!!! She wants me to prove that I will forever be hers!!! So Ms. Kaur be ready cause u might get many guys to marry but u will never get a lover like me. So be ready to marry me :)
Sid's POV ends
After an hour or so Sid had planned and prepared everything. After all he too has a lot of sources and people who could distract Avu! 😉😉😉
After getting everything ready he went downstairs and joined everyone else.
Sid- What are you guys talking about?
Abhi- Nothing just remembering the past memories!!
Vaish- And how everything turned out in our favor!!
Jai- How we have become so inseparable!! How much we mean to each other!!
Reem- How 5 years ago we thought we might never see each other again but still here we are all better and back together :)
Bhav- And how I thought this (points at Avu) cold hearted and workaholic mafia Queen will never fall in love again and more over I never thought that she will ever get married!! I thought that she will be single all her life!!! 😂😂😂
Faisu- And how we thought that how we are all going to kidnap and then murder Ashi if Sid marries her!!!!
Hearing that all burst out laughing and were literally rolling on the floor. That's when Jaan got an idea and said,
Jaan- Yeah and also how we all used to get disgusted when Sid and Ashi would kiss or show a lot of love to each other!!! (she said with a mischievous smile)

As soon as Avu heard that she was glaring at Sid so dangerously like she would literally kill him!!!! Whereas Sid gulped in fear and the rest where trying to control their laughter!!
Avu- Siddd!!! What is Jaan talking about? (she said in a sweet yet very dangerous voice)
Sid- Angel u know na Jaan loves to get me into trouble, she is lying, I have never even let her touch me. And kiss!! I let her hug me very rarely and u are believing that I kissed her all the time!!
Avu- So!!! U have any proof???
Sid- ab ab......... Angel I don't have any proof but u know na that I only love you and will always love u!!
Avu- NO!! (she said shouting making everyone flinch in fear) Now u have to show me proof and also remember the other thing! I AM GOING!!!
Khalla- Where Muskaan?
Avu- Ammi I am going to office as I am taking a break of 2 weeks after today! So just need to wrap up a few things!
Khalla- Hmm and take care of yourself!!
Sid- But u are not well!! So u aren't going to go anywhere!!!
Avu- I am going, bye!!
With that she stormed off and as soon as she left all except Sid burst out laughing!!

Sid- Yaar Jaan!!! Why did u do that!!?
Jaan- I was just pulling ur leg, I didn't know that she would get this mad! I am sorry (she said with a cute pout)
Sid- Fine I am forgiving you this time, I guess I will ask for forgiveness tonight!
Khalla- But u can't go there tonight, so I guess I have to manage tomorrow only as she will not be back from office till at least 10 o'clock!! Now no more discussions I am going!!
With that khalla also left before Sid could even ask her permission to let him be with her tonight!! Sid then looked at the gang with pleading eyes :)
Bhav- Fine we will cover for you! But where are u taking her 😏
Sid- __________________________________
When he finished talking all the girls where glaring at their respective boys!
Abhijeetfaisu- Why are u glaring at us like that!? (gulping in fear looking at their dangerous glares)
Vaish- Cause look at Sid how romanticly he is asking for forgiveness.......... (she is cut by Jaan)
Jaan- And you didn't even propose me properly and sorry toh you never ask!!
Reem- And neither do u ever romance with me!!! And look at Sid how romanticly his asking for forgiveness from Avu!!
Now all the girls were complaining and the boys were glaring at Sid who was nervously smiling. Throughout all this Bhav was enjoying the show with popcorn and thanking God that he is still single!! 😂😂😂

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