A chance encounter

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Haruto isn’t a typical omega.

He’s not petite or dainty. He has pretty and big eyes, cream soft skin and full plump lips, but he's also tall and intimidating. He’s not delicate or soft-spoken. He’s loud and free and doesn’t take shit off from anyone, no matter their gender. He doesn’t want some knot-head alpha to take care of him, settle him down and make him their housewife. He’s pushed out quite a few alphas in the past for getting handsy and thinking that he just needs a ‘real alpha’ to show him what he’s missing.

And he is only 21. He's sure as hell he will only need to get stronger as he ages to fend for himself.

He’s domestic and wants to have a family in the future. But he’d gladly spend the rest of his life single or with a beta by his side, willing to compromise on roles. Sharing responsibilities instead of ordering him around.

Junkyu isn’t also your typical alpha.

Sure, he’s got the size and the muscle and the strength but he’s never been comfortable using it. He’s friendly and out-going, not competitive at all. He falls in love – or what he thinks is love – easily but the partners that he’s had have never been the right fit for him. They’re looking for the growly alpha male that will throw them down and knot them until the sun comes up. That’s just not Junkyu. He wants someone to take care of him, longs to have a mate, someone to hold him and love him.

When Junkyu and Haruto meet, it’s pure dumb luck and it’s perfect. Neither of their lives being the same since.


It’s Friday and Mashiho – pretty much the only alpha Haruto can stand to be around, and that’s only because they grew up together and Mashiho knows Haruto can kick his ass – is supposed to meet him at the club. When he doesn’t show, Haruto calls, equal parts pissed and concerned. Mashiho thought they were supposed to meet up on Saturday and he’s stuck at work. Haruto calls him a fuckhead and decides to leave, planning to stop by Asahi’s bar and make Mashiho give him free drinks for the rest of the night.

Haruto doesn’t know why he looks to the side as he’s leaving but he hears a commotion and turns toward it. There’s an alpha – tall and broad shoulders, neat dark brown hair – and he’s standing in front of one pretty blond beta. There’s another alpha, shorter, stockier and he’s leering at the beta, reaching around the taller alpha to get to the guy. Haruto watches, in disbelief, as instead of fighting like any other alpha would, the alpha holds up his hands and gives the other guy a dimpled-smile. Haruto can see his mouth moving, can’t hear what he’s saying of course, but the asshole pushes the alpha out of the way and grabs the small beta, who smacks him across the face, obviously not interested but he doesn’t seem to be taking ‘fuck off’ for an answer.

Haruto doesn’t know why he gets involved. He doesn’t know the beta or the alpha but he still finds himself stalking toward them. If he wants to be honest – and he usually doesn’t, even in his own mind – he just can’t stand to watch jackass, entitled alphas thinking that they can just take whatever – whoever – they want.

“Oi,” Haruto says as he steps between the alpha and the beta, pushing the alpha away from the smaller guy. “Pretty sure that smacking you across the face means that he's not interested.”

All three of them turn to Haruto and the asshole alpha predictably – God, they’re all the really the same – leers at him. “Aw, what’s a matter, sweetheart? You wanna take his place?”

“No,” Haruto replies simply.

“C’mon, baby, admit it. No need to get jealous, this alpha here can satisfy you both.”

Haruto rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “Typical fuckin’ arrogant knot-head,” he mutters.

“You just need a real alpha to show you what you need, omega.”

Haruto huffs out a sigh and pushes the alpha hard, smirking as he falls flat on his ass. “Piece of advice, dickhead? Find a different club.” Haruto catches Mino’s eye – the club owner and probably the only other alpha beside Mashiho that Haruto doesn’t want to beat into a pulp – and nods. Mino just smirks at him and shakes his head, sending over one of his bouncers to escort the dumbass out the door.

Haruto turns to the beta and gently takes his hand, pulling it up so he can look at the wrist that was grabbed. He’s gonna have a bruise by morning but he'll be okay in a day or two.

“You okay?” he asks softly, giving him a smile.

The beta looks up at him, huge shining eyes blinking slowly, his lips softly parted. “Holy shit,” he eventually blurts out. “That was amazing!”

Haruto chuckles, glad to hear his laugh as well, and gently squeezes his hand. “If you are okay, I'm leaving now.”

“Wait,” he gasps, grabbing his hand this time. “Lemme at least buy you a drink?”

“No need!”

“Can I at least know your name?” he asks sweetly.

"It's Haruto.”

“It’s so nice to meet you, Haruto. My name’s Jihoon and this,” he grabs the tall alpha by the arm and tugs him over. Haruto honestly thought he’d left already, “is my best friend Junkyu.”

“Thank you for what you did,” Junkyu says softly, flashing Haruto a shy, dimpled smile. “That guy was a total jerk and wouldn’t listen when I tried to explain that Jihoon wasn’t interested.”

Haruto blinks owlishly at the alpha – Junkyu – not sure what the hell to make of him. “Uh, yeah, no problem. But if he's your mate or you’re planning on taking his home, you might wanna do something about scent-marking him.”

“Oh, no,” Junkyu stammers, a faint pink blush creeping across his cheeks.

Is this guy for real? Haruto thinks dumbfounded.

“He’s not my mate and I'm not hooking up with him,” Junkyu’s nose wrinkles adorably, “He really is just my best friend.”

“Okay,” Haruto says slowly, giving them both a nod. “Well, uh, enjoy the rest of your night.”

Haruto all but runs for the door, wanting to get as far away from the confusing – fucking hot – alpha as he can

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