Do you wanna?

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Despite the trouble at the club the night before, Jihoon decides that he wants to go back - even going so far as to drag Hyunsuk and Yoshi along. Hyunsuk was a sweet omega and had been dating with Yoshi, a beta for some time. People always liked to give Yoshi some trouble saying that he didn't deserve to have an omega like Hyunsuk, but Yoshi beside being absolutely just as adorable as Hyunsuk he was tough when he needed to be and didn't take shit form anyone. Junkyu liked to hangout with Yoshi a lot too because the beta made a great pair with Jihoon. Junkyu admired them a lot.

Anyway, coming here today wasn't something he wanted to do in the first place. Junkyu knows Jihoon's just trying to see if they run into Haruto again but he reluctantly goes along, hoping that just once his size will be enough to deter assholes from hitting on Jihoon. He's not too optimistic though.

When they walk into the club, Jihoon looks around, grabs Hyunsuk's arm and squeals, pointing at something over by the bar, both of them laughing and bouncing up and down. Yoshi looks at Junkyu with a raised eyebrow and Junkyu shrugs in response. He totally doesn't understand them. He stopped trying a long time ago.

They mutter something about heading to the bathroom and take off. Yoshi huffs out a laugh and plops down in a chair next to Junkyu, what Yoshi considers a serious expression taking over his face. He just looks constipated.

"So, what's this I heard about you meeting your dream omega last night?"

Freaking Jihoon. He's going to kill him. "Nothin..." Junkyu mutters, looking around the club, deliberately not looking at Yoshi. "Just drop it."

Yoshi opens his mouth to say something - probably something Yoshi-like that would make Junkyu simultaneously blush and choke on his drink - but before he can, Junkyu's assaulted with the most intoxicating scent and he knows without looking up that it's Haruto.

Sure enough, Jihoon and Hyunsuk are flanking a clearly amused Haruto when Junkyu finally gets the courage to glance up. "Thought y'all would have learned your lesson about this place," Haruto says with his deep tone voice and Junkyu's heart skips a beat.

"Jihoon wanted to come back," Junkyu murmurs, ducking his head shyly when Haruto takes the seat next to him.

They spend the next few hours hanging out again. Haruto puts Yoshi in his place with his dry humor more than a few times and it helps Junkyu relax - because he's honestly never seen anything more hilarious. Eventually though, Yoshi and Hyunsuk wonder off toward the dance floor and Jihoon finds a nice alpha to dance with as well, leaving Junkyu alone with Haruto.

Haruto tilts his head to the side, studying Junkyu's profile. Ever since his friends took off, he's been resolutely quiet and while normally Haruto wouldn't care one way or another, because he's a quiet person himself most of the time, he finds that he cares this time. He can't explain it, it's honestly never happened before, but he likes Junkyu. He's actually attracted to the alpha and wants to see if it can go anywhere, see if he's reading Junkyu right.

"You don't seem to like me very much," Haruto says after a few long, tense minutes of silence.

Junkyu's head snaps toward him, chocolate eyes big and round, his cheeks tinted pink. "N-no," he stammers. "That's not...I do...Like you, that is."

"Then why don't you talk to me when your friends aren't around?"

Junkyu's cheeks flush even more and he drops his eyes, his hair partially obscuring his face. "Truth?" he whispers.


"You... Make me nervous," Junkyu replies softly, glancing up at Haruto through his lashes. "You're so self-confident and pretty awesome and I'm...not."

Haruto has never been shy about going for what he wants. And he wants Junkyu. And he's pretty sure he's reading Junkyu right, that he feels the same. The only problem is the sex thing. Maybe they can work around that; there's a hell of a lot they could still do that doesn't require actual intercourse.

Haruto licks his lips and leans closer, his hand sliding from the top to down of Junkyu's inner thigh. "Tell me if I'm wrong,'' Haruto murmurs against Junkyu's ear, gently squeezing the inside of Junkyu's thigh, grinning when Junkyu makes a soft, choked-off noise in the back of his throat.

"Y-you're not wrong," Junkyu stammers, his hips twitching slightly.

"Good," Haruto practically purrs. "Come home with me tonight." He doesn't form it as a request and he's pleased - and frankly a little surprised - when Junkyu sucks in a sharp breath and he shudders slightly.

"Okay," Junkyu whispers.

Haruto nuzzles under Junkyu's ear, pressing a kiss to the soft skin behind, then pulls away. Junkyu's eyes are already glazed and dark when he looks at him, blinking owlishly. "Go tell your friends so they don't worry 'bout you," Haruto commands softly, barely biting back a smirk when Junkyu's lips part and his breathing increases slightly. Seems that the alpha enjoys being told what to do. That's good. Haruto can work with that.

He sits and finishes his beer, waiting while Junkyu tracks down his friends and tells them... whatever it is he's telling them. After a few minutes, Junkyu's back, his cheeks still flushed and his eyes a little wide but he flashes Haruto a shy smile and ducks his head.

"I'm ready," he says softly. "If you still wanna..."

"Oh," Haruto chuckles, getting up and grabbing Junkyu's hand to lead him out of the club "Believe me, I wanna."

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