Chapter 1.

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{ W } hen I woke up, I didn't know whether I was alive or dead.

I didn't recognize anything, and I couldn't remember what had happened...did the royal family decide I wasn't worth it, and chuck me away..? Did they kill me without thinking for one second? But then I realized I could move my arms, and I was blinking, and I soon came to my senses. 

I was in a large room; lying on some large, incredibly soft bed. Much softer than anything I'd ever touched before. The room was large, lavish and white, so pure I worried that just by breathing I would taint it. Frowning I sat up and rubbed my head, blinking a few times when I looked down at myself. My clothes were gone, replaced by some plain grey pants and a shirt. "You had to be changed. You got sick all over you." A low voice said and my eyes snapped up, spotting the man that was at the end of the bed. I instantly recoiled, pulling the blanket over my as my cheeks reddened. 

"U-um...w-who're you..?" The man was dressed in a formal black suit, though he didn't wear sunglasses like the men that had taken him to He let out a breath and walked over to the side of the bed, standing beside me. 

"Come on, get up. You have initiation, and the Royals will not be impressed by your absence. They're already irritated that you got sick and have been asleep, so I'd hurry down if I were you. Every minute is a minute that counts," His last sentence made me want to gag. It was the Royal's mantra for the victims, meaning that no matter what, you were being graded, observed. Every moment was critical. I got up and found I was in grey socks as well and I looked back up at the man. 

"Where are my things..?" He stared at me blankly and I let out a sigh. Of course I wouldn't have them anymore. He led me over to the door and opened it up for me. Walking down the halls, I felt goose bumps rise up on my skin. My stomach churned and I felt my heart pounding as I looked around. Paintings, large curtains, massive windows lined the walls, along with chandeliers on the ceiling. Everything was so-

"This way," The man said again and gestured to two grand, white doors with shiny handles. I gulped and looked at him.

"Is everyone in there...?"

"I guess you'll have to see." I sigh softly and nod, looking back at the door and let him open it for me. 


This room is probably bigger than three of my entire houses combined. There's a long red carpet that stretches the whole length of the room, but I'm too scared to look up. As I walk in, I can feel eyes staring me down and I rub my arm nervously. There are hushed whispers in the room but they all suddenly stop and I know it must have been the other victims. When the man that had lead me to the room grabbed my arm, I finally let my eyes look up and my breathing hitched in my throat. There were four members of the Royal family; King Styles, Queen Styles, the Prince, and the Princess. None of which were looking at me...except the Prince. "I had him clothed, though he will need to shower soon," The man beside me said and he manuevered me over to a line of seats, where the other patrons were. The one beside me stared at me, and if I was honest it worried me. 

"Your name?" A female voice said and I looked up, meeting the Queens gaze. I bowed my head, not sure if I were supposed to stand or not and a guard pushed me off my seat and onto the ground. 

"You will kneel before your Queen when addressed to." He said in a firm, deep voice and I nodded, gulping. 

"M-My name is Louis Tomlinson, your majesty." I said in a soft voice. I looked up at her and saw her nod; her eyes roaming back over the others. The guard pulled me back up into my seat, just as she flashed a grin. 

"Welcome, all of you, to our wonderful palace. It's a pleasure to have you all here, and you all seem like a good and strong group...I know you'll all prove well, and worthy." She said in a grand voice and looked over to the King. He nodded and stood up. 

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