Chapter 2

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Hondo's POV
Once we have finished getting ready to save Reid, we all load up inside Black Betty, the SWAT armoured truck. As we sat there I was think of all the times that I have to save Reid or that he had to save me. I am so sacred that one of these days I am going to find him dead some where's.
"Ok so what is our plan of entry once we get there?" Luca asked as he drives Black Betty.
"I want three teams of two, Christ and Street you are going to go up the fire exit to the roof from there you guys are going to breach but wait until we are in down stairs. Luca, you and Tan are going to go in at the back then you are going to go the the basement from there, me and Deacon are going to the front and we are going to clear the main floor. If you guys find Dr. Reid you are going to wait, do not approach him wait for me. When we have found him I am going to have to take off all my gear, this is because he is going to be in a state of mind where he needs to see and hear me and I can't do that with my gear on. I am going to need you guys to watch for the kidnappers and any other threats. Do not point your guns at Dr.Reid. Any questions?" I told them, they are replayed no.
"Good, ok we are here, everyone stay liquid." I said as I pushed open the doors and jumped out.
We watched as Christ and Street went to the roof, when they were on the rest of us got into our spots.
"Ready" Luca said.
"Ready to Hondo just waiting on your go" Street told me
"Ok on three, one two three, breach" I said as I kicked in the door. Deacon on entry when left and I want right to clear the house the fastest.
When I got the the bedroom there was 4 people all playing Black Jack. They all stood up and had reach for their guns, I shot them all in the left shoulder because I knew that these people where not the kidnappers but I am pretty sure they know who is. I put handcuffs on them all and call in officers to escort them out. They were load up into an ambulance and taken the the hospital.
"Hondo we have found him" Street said through the radio.
"Where is he?" I asked as I left the bedroom on the main floor.
"Basement, I also think you need to be prepared that he may not remember or be able to talk about what has happened" Christ said "Hondo he is really bad" Luca said, as I was running to the basement, Deacon was right behind me the hold time. I looked back at him as I opened the door to the basement, I also took a deep breath as I did so, preparing myself for the worst. Is he going to be worst then when he was with Tobias Hankel? Or when he was kidnapped by the believers? Or all the times he was shot? I don't know, but I do hope he is going to be ok. I also hope he doesn't start to take Dilaudid again.
When I got there every one was standing in front of him. I had yet to remove my gear so I let them hide him from me for now. I knew that he probably was torture for information about the team and where I was, but I also know that he would not give in and that is what I am sacred of. When I have finished taking my gear off and handing it to an officer I nodded my head to the team for them to move to the side I need to get this done before the person who kidnapped him comes back.
"Are you sure that you don't want us to just cut him down and bring him up?" Asked Deacon.
"No, I need to be the one to do this, we can't cut him down until he knows what's going on, because any sudden movement will send him into flight mode" I replied. The team moved over to the side, so I could see Reid.
He was chained to the celling with a chain. He had no shirt on, you could see his ribs, collar bone, hip bone. Let's just say he was fed just enough so he would be alive. You could tell that he was whipped,sliced with a knife, beat with a fist, bat, and anything else they could find, it also looks like they had electrocuted him. He was also unconscious so that tells me he was drugged or has a bad concussion. I walked up to him, I could barely keep my composure when I had saw him, but I knew that I had to see to at calm so I could get him out.
"Hey Reid" I said as I reached out to shake him.
That did not work. This tells me he was drugged.
"Spencer I need you to fight this" I said, "come on wake up Reid." I shook him a little harder, finally I got a groan out for him.
"That's is can you open your eyes for me," I asked
After what seems like for ever I finally got to see his hazel eyes. Seeing that is just a concussion has me sighing in relief, he was not force to relapse.
When he saw me he started to thrash around. He didn't recognize who I was, or where he was. I am pretty sure that's from the torture and the concussion.
"Hey Reid, it's me Derek" I said as I hold his face trying to get him to focus.
"No. No I will never tell you where he is. Your going to have to kill me. If you do you will never find him. I never ever will tell you and I am the only one who knows." Reid groggily said. I sigh this is not going to work.
"Hondo, we need to leave now. Why don't we just cut him down and leave." Street asked. I looked at him how am I going to tell them that I can't because it will cause him to freak because he has autism.
"We can't do that, just give me a minute. Every one wait for me upstairs." I told them as I turned my focus back to Reid.
"Hey Pretty Boy, I need to you to come back to me, use that brain of yours and remember me Derek, I have never once hurt you. Remember when you held my kid for the first time. Or when you where scared that you had schizophrenia, I will always be there for you. I will also always find you." I told Reid as I looked into his eyes.
At that moment I saw him look into my eyes like he was trying to place where he knew me from.
"Derek is it really you. I told you to stay hidden and never look for me if things what wrong. I never ever wrote down or had a file on where you were I always remember in my head." Reid tiredly said.
"I know kid. Let's get you home." I said. Reid looked at me and nodded his head. "Hey I need those cutters now" I yelled to my team.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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