Chapter 1

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Danial Harrelson "Hondo" POV

"Sergeant Harrelson, we need SWAT, at 144 Berendo Ave," said Commander Hicks.

"Yes Sir," I responded, "what are we walking into?" I respond as the team started to gather in the command center where we do all our briefings

"There was a kidnapping and it has caught the FBI's interest. This case has to be done with caution but as quickly as possible, seeing as we don't want the media to get involved in any way. Ok so about 6 months ago an FBI agent was taken from his home after he had got home from a case. What the case was I have no idea but have been told that it has nothing to do with why he was taken. Last week they received some intel on the whereabouts of the agent in question. As far as what we know and what they are able to disclose to us, they figure the agent was taken by a cult. I am hoping I will be able to receive more information soon. We are not sure what the condition of the Agent is, all we know is that the FBI would like us to go in retrieve the Agent and get out without being seen."

"Ok, do we know the name of the Cult?" Asked Deacon

"Ya, the name that the FBI gave me was Ben's Believers," replied Caption Cortez.

Shit, I hope this cult is not the same one that Reid and Prentiss got stuck in about 12 years ago. The leader of the liberty ranch was Ben Cyrus, but he is dead seeing as I shot him in the head, so it can't be him. I just really hope this Agent is not Reid because that could me that I have been found and that I am the reason he was taken.

"What's the name of the Agent?" Asked Street

"No one at the BAU would disclose that information to us." Replied Hicks

Fuck, they are going to come here and I have no way of explaining why I disappeared on them 3 years ago. I also have no idea how to tell the team I am technically in Witness Protection. The only two people from the BAU that knows should be aware of my being put into Witness Protection are Hotch and Raid. But the only person that should know where I am is Reid.

After the whole mess with Hotch's family with Witness Protection I refused to have a US Marshall as the handler for me, So Reid said that he would make sure I was safe, as well as make sure that no one at the FBI knows where I would be expected for him. I also don't know how I tell the team that I had to get a different name and that I am a former FBI agent. I really need to talk to Hicks alone right away before leaving to see if I can get any more information, seeing as he knows my past.

"Commander, before we need to go can we talk?" I asked as we started to leave the room.

" Yeah, what's up?" He replied

I took a deep breath before I spoke "Is this mission going to mess with my witness protection? I am just worried that if the team finds out about my past, it will put everyone in danger."

"I understand your fear, that is why I withheld the agent's name, in fear of your reaction."

"Well, who is it?"

"It's Supervisory Special Agent Spencer Reid."

"Fuck, why did it have to be him, and by the way, it is Supervisory Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid. He has 4 Ph.D. and is working on one more. What are we going to tell the team? They need to know everything before we leave because I am going to have to talk to Spencer as Derek, not as Hondo" I told Hicks

"You do have a point, have the team meet us in the kitchen and we will tell them everything"

"Ok will do, oh before I leave. Is the BAU coming to SWAT?" I asked.

"No, they are not coming right now they are on another case but may meet with us after."

I just nodded my head as I left the office.

When I got to the locker room, I saw the team starting to get geared up to leave. I took a deep breath knowing what I was about to say will evidently lead to my biggest secret being exposed. Having secrets on SWAT secrets can be deadly if the team thinks you don't trust them. I took another deep breath as I looked around at the team that I have grown to see as my family just like I had with the BAU. I really hate that I have been in Witness Protection because of Scratch. I do know that the only person that knows where I am and who I am is Reid. He was the only one I trusted, and after Haley had died I was not trusting the Marshals.

"Before you guys finish I need to talk to you in the kitchen. This is something that may affect how you see me as well as the mission." I told them, The team went from joking before the mission to very serious in a matter of seconds. I felt bad for that because they don't need anything more to worry about.

"Ok Hondo, is everything ok?" Asked Deacon to turn around to look at me. I just turned around to walk towards the kitchen, knowing that no matter what I said to the team would be upset with me.

As we walked into the kitchen, I saw that Commander Hicks had some files out, as well as he had put 6 chairs around a table for everyone to sit on.

"Hondo, what is going on? I have never seen you so worried or pull us away from getting ready for a case before." Street had asked as everyone sat down on the chairs.

"After the briefing was finished I asked Commander Hicks if we could talk because I need to know all the information. Before I give you everything I need you to know that I am still the same person, as well as I need you to be able to stay focused on saving this Agent because I know for a fact that he is the best agent you will ever come across." I told them, I took a brief pause as I looked around.

"Hondo, we need to know what's going on," Christ said.

"Ok, so I am going, to be honest with you, my real name is not Daniel Harrelson, it's Derek Morgan, and I was an FBI agent but I had to go into witness protection to save my own life."

"What the hell Hondo or whoever the fuck you are." Yelled Luca.

"I know that I should have told you guys but I was not allowed to. The only people who know where I am is Commander Hicks and the Agent who has been kidnapped for 6 months." I told them.

"Ok, so who is this agent?" Tan asked slowly.

" His name is Supervisory Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid," I told them

"Anything we need to know about him before we get there?" Street asked

"Yes there is, I need to be the one to talk to him, he is going to be inside his brain so that he doesn't tell the kidnappers anything. If anyone else tries to talk or move to him, he will freak out. He has autism, and Asperger's Syndrome, so do not be surprised if he won't let you touch him." I told them. They all just nodded and then stood up to leave.

"Let's go bring home this Agent, and Hondo we don't blame you for not telling us. We all understand how witness protection works" Christ told me as she was the last one out to leave.

Hang on Pretty boy I am coming for you

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