{🍇} A merman?!

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❝Mermaid AU❝ ━ 3rd Person ━ Fluff

[↬A/N: Yeaahh has been a long time since i did a oneshot or even write, just enjoy this and @UndergroundPuppy04 for the idea/request! ]


It was a week before shuichi's graduation, and his friend kaede akamatsu decided to host a party at the beach before graduation. shuichi was nervous, he wasn't a party person to say. But he decided to come anyways, when he came where was a table with food, drinks and some pretty decorations. Shuichi was looking around a bit, before kaede came to shuichi.

"Hey shuichi!" "Ah hey kaede" kaede smiles at shuichi before she said something else, "glad you could make it shuichi, i thought you would be busy" shuichi looked a bit nervous. "Well eh i mean i am here now" kaede giggles "Well i got to get back working, you can walk around the beach if you want. I mean you came early that's all"

As kaede walked away, shuichi sighed. He walked around the beach to find a pretty place to read his book, as he found a pretty dock. He sat there and started reading, a few minutes later. Shuichi heard some splash, shuichi look at the water to see a shadow. He didn't know what it was, but it looked like a person. Shuichi put his head near water closer, then suddenly.

Shuichi flinched, as the person popped his head out and splashed him. Shuichi took a step back, before looking at the water again. what he saw will shuichi never believe, He saw a merman. "E-ehm" the little merman was pouting, shuichi starting to feel nervous. "M-my name is shuichi saihara eh" the merman starting to look curiously at shuichi.

"Can you speak?" (i am cringing rn-), The little purple merman shakes his head. "that's a shame.." shuichi muttered, the merman started to swim to land (I don't know what another word to use so just yeah-). And started to write something on the sand, shuichi stood up and started walk where the merman was writing on. "So your name is Kokichi Ouma/Oma" they both stared at eachother for a bit before shuichi thought

'how could ouma/oma write and even not talk' before he could think, the little merman took shuichi's hat away. "Hey g-give it back ouma/oma!" "Nishshshsh" before shuichi could take his hat he thought 'Did kokichi just make a sound' after that thought, he trys to take his hat for the past minutes. In the end shuichi got his hat back, "ehm so i have to go ouma/oma" as shuichi try to stand up. Kokichi wouldn't let go of shuichi, shuichi sighed before saying "Do you need something ouma/oma?"

then kokichi writes on the sand 'I need a pat :(' shuichi started to blush a bit, but still pats kokichi on the head. Kokichi felt happy and satisfied now, "now eh i will see you kokichi tomorrow, and i might teach you how to speak if you want" kokichi noded. And shuichi started to walk off to the party, shuichi looked behind to see if kokichi swam back to the water. kokichi stared at shuichi for a bit before he swam away.


[ I hope this doesn't suck
now everybody shall see this suckkkllyyy oneshot ]

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