When An Angel Flies For The First Time

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Author's Note: This will be in Maggie's POV! Not sure if I'll keep it that way for the entire series, might not, who knows! Also, DJWAOUID SHE'S NOT THAT TALLER THAN TANYA BUT STILL A NOTICABLE DIFFERENCE IN SIZE, LOL. (Sorry for the long wait!! I've been stuck on writers block for literally months with this because I just wasn't sure on how to connect Tanya's time with Magdalena's time in a way that made sense. Anyways, enjoy! :)) )

Warning: Slight angst but Tanya just doesn't understand emotions lol

Disclaimer: Bruh, I don't own Youjo Senki: The Saga of Tanya the Evil, all rights go to the Carlo Zen!


Magdalena felt her heart race, and she didn't know why she still felt her face heat up. She wasn't embarrassed anymore, so why was she feeling her cheeks redden? Her chest felt warm and fluffy, as if she was wrapped up in a comforting hug. Together? Tanya had said...the two of them? Just them?

"Yeah, just the two of us. Against God, against the world."

Tanya knew she had the girl wrapped around her finger in that moment

The next few months were spent studying and training our mana. Eventually, we even got to use the Operation Orb in a way I never thought would be possible without a plane. Tanya went before me, seeing as how our last names were spaced out alphabetically. I watched in awe as the jewel on her chest glowed a bright green as her feet lifted off the ground, her body descending up into the air. Her hair grew out a bit from the months before, leaving her fluffy, messy hair flying around her face as she ascended.

"Wow, she's flying!" One of my classmates exclaimed in awe as everyone gasped. I watched on as she floated in front of the sunlight, the orange ray casting an enchanting glow to her fairy-like appearance. 'She...She's beautiful,' I thought to myself, staring up at her as she floated above me like a goddess. I grew nervous at the aspect of flying and possibly going out of control, but the desire to impress Tanya outweighed my fears.

She landed safely onto the ground, dusting herself off as she was congratulated by our instructor for a steady first time in the air. She saluted him with a nod and approached me as the next person went up.

"Tanya! That was- that was amazing!" I praised her, my eyes sparkling in admiration. "It was just a little test run. But I admit, that did go rather smoothly for my first time," she replied, nodding.

"I hope I do as good as you, I'm a little nervous," I chuckled, scratching my cheek.

She patted my shoulder with a small, encouraging smile that sent heat to my face. "You'll be fine. Just don't panic and remember the drills and formulas we learned in class." I smiled and gave her a determined nod as it was finally my turn.

Stepping up, I got into position, facing my hands downwards and pushing out my chest, my chin leaning up. The goal was to keep my body balanced in order to go in a straight way up by using a specific formula for flying. As soon as my instructor gave me the go, I channeled my magic into the jewel to create propulsion within myself, watching eagerly as it glowed, the green hue illuminating my face. All at once, I felt magic course through my body, making my limbs feel light as a feather and yet still retained the same weight without slowing me down. Not that I was heavy, given my small, thin body. I was very light on my own.

I tried holding my position as I felt my feet lift off from the solid ground, my arms reaching out on reflex as my body began leaning forward. I was shaking, fearing that I'd flip over or lose control of my power. As my fear grew, I began to slip on the grasp of my magic, feeling my body grow lighter and lighter as I quickly flew upwards into the sky. "Don't panic! You'll only go faster!" I heard my instructor call out as I soared above. 'Oh no, oh god,' I flailed, shrieking as I flew higher. 'Calm down, calm down! Deep breaths, deep...breaths,' I thought in self-affirmation, forcing myself to focus on keeping my breathing steady. Eventually, I settled down and came to a slow stop, my limbs still trembling as I floated in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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