The Love Interest

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Lisa was taken aback. "Oh, that's nice! I'm glad you just didn't want to become friends just because of my status, you know?"

Shit. I guess I just got friendzoned. "Y-yeah, of course! You seem really interesting, and yeah, it's fun hanging out," I said awkwardly.

"Great! Uhhh... so anyway, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Ummm...." To be honest, I was really just planning to start a relationship right here, but looks like that didn't go to plan. "Oh right! I only know a bit of Korean, and it'd be great if you could teach me!"

"Of course Y/N! I'd love to teach you!" She smiled at me before reading off a set of colorful, artistic flashcards that she made.

We practiced for about an hour before she said, "You know, Y/N, I made these when I first came to Korea." She laughed, "They really do mean a lot to me... it's like they're a memory of when I first came here." She paused for a bit, looking at them, before suddenly speaking again. "Do you want these? Since you need them so much more than I do."

"Are you sure, Lisa? I mean, if it means a lot to you, then you should probably keep them..."

"Yes... but I wouldn't give these to just anyone. But I trust you. You obviously need them, and you seem cool, so it's fine!" she smiled. "Here, take them!"

"Ahh thank you so much!" I said before placing them in my backpack. "I'll definitely use these when I get home! Speaking of which, I probably need to go now... my parents will get worried."

"Oh, of course! Good luck on your homework! They give a loooot here," she laughed.

"Oh for sure! I have to literally practice dancing for 4 hours!" I exclaimed.

"Ohhh that's too bad. But don't worry, dancing is fun! You'll do fine," she replied.

"Haha I hope so," I said. As I was walking out the door, she said, "Oh, Y/N, before you go... what's your number?"

"Oh, yeah, it's ___-____. What's yours?" I asked.

"Here, let me enter it on your phone," she answered. After she entered her contact on my phone, she said, "Text me if you can! Bye Y/N!"

"Bye Lisa!"

I was exhilarated. I had never talked to a crush before, not like this, and I sure as hell did not think I would have gotten to know her today. But, hey, it looks like things do work out in the end!

~~one week later~~

A week had passed since I had gotten Lisa's number. I had made it a point to call Lisa every day after I was done with my homework. My friendship with TXT had also grown; I had become much closer to Soobin and Yeonjun, and regularly called them while doing my homework. I now wanted to reach out to others, maybe get to know more people at the school, since I had really only been talking to TXT and Lisa.

Throughout the week, I constantly saw Yeji and Jaehyun walking together, laughing, talking. I don't know... something seemed a bit weird. Not that I was jealous... okay, maybe I was a little jealous. But of what? Not that Jaehyun was with Yeji, not at all. I was all too interested in Lisa. I think the idea of a relationship.... ahh, why does Jaehyun get to be in a relationship and not me? Why him?

Anyway, I was going to get boba with Lisa after school. I had a lot of work to do, but I needed to make things work with her.

I quickly approached Blackpink, Lisa's friend group. "Hi Lisa! Want to go get some boba now?" I asked.

Her friends all turned around and looked at me, as if they were scrutinizing me. "Weren't you trying to go out with Taeyong...?" a tall, blonde-haired girl mutters to Lisa.

"No, Rose... I mean, yeah, but he doesn't want to talk. Y/N is super chill anyway..." she whispered back. I pretended to not hear them and scrolled through my phone as I waited for Lisa to answer me.

"Okay, well... if you end up talking to Taeyong... just remember his status is a looot higher than Y/N's. I mean, Taeyong and Lisa? You're gonna be HUGE!"

"I know... b-but I don't know... maybe I don't want that. I'll just... ugh, I'll just deal with it when that happens." She looked at me, visibly flustered, and then said, "Oh, uh, sorry, Y/N. Of course I'd like to go!"

"Great!" I replied, but I was now worried about how she really felt about me. Was it that she wanted just a boyfriend, or that she wanted me as a boyfriend? If Taeyong went and talked to her, would she change completely?

"Ahhhh, don't think these things," I reasurred myself. "You aren't even with her yet, remember? Just confess to her today and see what happens, and maybe talk to her later. Don't sweat it."

~~10 minutes later~~

After we entered the boba cafe, we took our orders and sat down at a table close to a window. We could see a small garden outside the shop.

"Ahhh, the garden looks beautiful, doesn't it?" I asked her.

She smiled back. "Mhmm... this was a great choice to come here, Y/N. I really like it, it's really pretty."

"I'm so glad you liked it... I wanted to make it perfect for you."

"Oh?" She laughed and put down her drink, then leaned closer towards me so all I could see was her. "And why is that, Y/N?"

I closed the distance between us and touched my lips against hers. For a moment, time seemed to stop as the world revolved around us, our kiss, the love we shared between each other. Nothing was more important than the rush of euphoria I felt at that very moment.

I released myself from her grasp. "Because I love you, Lisa."

She looked down and broke into a smile. "I... I love you too, Y/N."

She wrapped her arms around me and shifted her weight onto me. I quickly returned the gesture, holding her body to mine as I stared into the bright blue sky.

"I love you, Y/N."

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