Enter the Family business

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(y/n) POV:

Heading to the company proved to be harder than I expected. I didn't have a car so I couldn't drive and there weren't any buses that went into the city. So the best I could do was order a car to come and pick me up on this app. Sighing I open the app and quickly ask for the soonest available ride to the city. Seeing that the nearest pick up spot is around the corner I make my way over there. Walking throughout the street I can't help but notice how this town always seems empty.

Sitting against the fence at the corner, I wait for the cab to bring in. 5 minutes pass by before a car comes to stop in front of my feet.

???: Are you (y/n) (l/n)?

Nodding your head you walk to the trunk of the car putting your bag in the trunk of the car. Closing the trunk you walk around and open the back door only to freeze in shock. Sitting in the backseat looking at you in confusion is another person. " I 'm confused I thought this was an uber for one?"

???: Well it would be if you lived in the city, but since so little people are willing to drive out here it's normally a group type thing. Lucky for you it only seems that you and this lady here needs a ride! But if you would you prefer to ride by yourself you can wait an hour and I'll come by later?

"No it's fine" I said running a hand through my hair. Sliding into the backseat I take out my phone, trying my best to not look or interact with the female sitting next to me. As I'm getting into the seat I look up and see the girl looking into my eyes with those golden orbs of hers. A few minutes later I've realized that not once has the girl taken her eyes off me. Looking back when i went to put my stuff in the trunk there was nothing else there. She couldn't possibly be going to the city without some type of bag or anything right?

Looking up for an answer to my own thoughts. I don't see any bags on the seat around her. Taking a glance to see if she has anything on her she gives me a small smile when she see's me looking at her. A mixture of confused on who she is, and annoyed with her staring at me I decide to finally look  her in the eyes.

Taking a second to actually observe the person in front of me I take in her appearance. She is a slender and well-endowed woman of average height. She has dark skin, golden irises, and black hair. Her hair is waist-length and kept in a ponytail with chin-length bangs framing the sides of her face. Looking closer she really did look familiar? The whole time I'm looking at her she has this half-smirk on her face as she's looking at me.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" Confusion etched on my face.  At my question she lets out a little giggle before smiling widely." Nope! You did bump into me at the store the other day though!"" And that's why you've been staring at me for the whole time I've been in the car with you?"

" Nope!" she says still keeping this bright smile on her face." So is there a reason you have been staring at me miss?" I said confusion still worn on my facial features." Oops. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Ruichi hoin." She's still smiling even now, " Don't you think it's rude to not introduce yourself Mr.?" now she's pouting at me? " Right I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you Ms. Hoin." 

With my curiosity peaked I returned my gaze to my phone hoping to end this conversation. I had already been nervous beforehand when I saw another person in the car. This was anything but normal for me. I was anti-social anyways, introducing myself to some lady I just happened to meet was definitely out of my comfort zone. "That's it?" she says looking at me pouting at me again. Confused all I do is raise my eyebrows at her actions. Sighing she says "You youngsters always so obsessed with your phone. Even if you have such a beautiful lady sitting in front of you!" as she's talking she's slowly moving her hand towards my phone before quickly snatching it away from me.

Bleach(male reader insert)(updated on Tuesday)Where stories live. Discover now