It's Friday, Babe

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Hiiiii 👋🏾 long time no chapter. I hope everyone is doing well as we continue through this pandemic. If not, I hope this fluff chapter makes you feel a little better 🤗 Enjoy!

Also, to those asking about the original book, I probably won't be updating it until I've completed writing it or am close to just so there aren't so many update time gaps....but we shall see.


Nicki heard a pur release itself from the back of her throat before her eyes slowly opened. She could just barely see the sunlight shining from her view of Meek's warm neck as she gathered that it was now morning. Nicki felt a small moan involuntarily release from the back of her throat and felt her vaginal muscles slowly pulsate around Meek's penis that was still inserted deeply inside of her from the night before. His large hand was softly rubbing her back which alerted Nicki that Meek was awake.

Letting go of Meek's hand from beneath her covers, Nicki stretched herself lightly before burying her face deeper into his warm neck.

"You awake now?" Nicki heard Meek's deep sleepy voice sound in the quiet dorm room. She heard a little bit of humor in his voice and wondered why.

"Not really." Nicki responded into his neck, "Why? What time is it?"

"It's a little after 8." Meek responded, "You been moaning for the past half an hour. I been calling your name thinking you was awake and playing with me," he chuckled.

Nicki grinned sleepily as she closed her eyes, "Shut up,"

Meek laughed as he continued rubbing her back, "Gimme kiss,"

Nicki opened her eyes and bit her bottom lip at the familiar sound of Meek's deep sleepy voice. She loved how sexy he always sounded in the mornings when he'd just wake up.

"Where's my please, boy?" Nicki teased as she kept her head nestled into his neck.

"Please? You don't be saying please when you be stealing kisses from me and sticking ya tongue down my throat," Meek teased back.

Nicki giggled, "What's yours is mine, babe. That's our lips and our throat," she smirked.

Meek laughed as he spanked her ass lightly, "Nic, just get up here,"

Nicki laughed as she lifted her head from Meek's neck to look at him. He looked sleepy, but handsome at the same time, and Nicki grinned at how cute he always was in this state.

"You so cute, baby," Nicki said as she gripped his bearded jaw with one of her hands before lowering her head to press her lips to his.

"I'm not the cute one, you are," Meek responded in between kisses.

Nicki smiled lightly as they continued to kiss beneath her sheets. Meek soon found her tongue and began a dance that eventually had Nicki moaning.

"There you go moaning again," Meek chuckled as he retracted his lips.

Nicki laughed as she slapped Meek's shoulder, "Shut up. You the one who's getting excited," she said referring to the penis that was slowly coming to life inside of her as each minute passed.

Meek chuckled, "You been squeezing me all since you been sleeping and you always wet. Plus, you was doing those little moans that I like, so it ain't my fault," he shrugged his broad shoulders against her sheets.

Nicki laughed, "You always blame me,"

Meek laughed, "It's usually your fault." he said before his eyes slightly darkened, "You always walking around looking sexy,"

The College Years (Omeeka): Quarantine ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now