Loving memories, with tragedies.

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"Yeah but your clay, and your the prettiest of them all.."

Ignore the title.

'I love you' are the words George would have never imagined to say to clay again, even if it meant anything, the tears clay had put him in that day made him want to say 'fuck you, you hurt me! You..you don't love me?!' But he didn't. Just the moment of cuddling with clay was his heart speaking, clay is to special to tell off, even if he was the last thing to ever exist. You can get lost in his forest green eyes all day, pulling you in, compelling your mind, falling in love, what else could you possibly need?

Fighting not to love someone is pretty hard when their so alluring, pulling you, capturing your heart, making you melt in their arms, to trying to forget about them.
Especially when their the first person you fell for. That night for them both, pulled them together, like puzzle pieces, one missing the other's missing piece but soon finding it. The library that they met at was gone now, burning all those memories with it, pulling a piece out of both of them.

That was a hard point for them both, loosing the place they fell in love at, to forgetting completely about it, until their love starts fading. The bed that awaits for both of them, up the many floors, sits lonely, waiting for George's and Clay's tears to never fade from the sheets. The memories they shared throughout the kingdom, spread throughout their hugs, reminding themselves of what once was there.

The nightmares that haunted them when they separated all those years, faded when they meet up that day, like they reconnected in that moment. The cuddles they used to share when they were younger, come in bundles of joy when they hug, reminding them of who they once were. The hugs can be long, nor short, depending on how much they are in love with each other that day.

Clay held George's jaw softly, letting him nuzzle into it with his nose, giving clay that spark of love again. That spark. The one he needed at the end of the day, giving him the hope for another start.
George's tear landed on clays hand, sliding down softly, but he didn't care. What matters is that George is there, in his arms, looking into his eyes, pulling I'm in, and hoping not to let go.

Clay softly grabbed one of George's hands, letting him feel the warmth of him, letting him feel the love being sent through his body. "Georgie..thank you..again.." Clay spoke, "you..you don't know how much guilt I feel about everything thing a—and I—I feel i need t-to explain and-and I-" George hushed clay softly, putting his finger over clays mouth, making his throat clog up in the moment.

George slowly blinked while slightly smiling, "it—it wasn't a big deal—or anything..clay..I—just lost hope a-after it all happened..and..I guess I..I don't want to get in the way.." clay tilted his head, "get in the way..? Georgie..you could never get in the way—in fact it's h-hard to even watch you leave s-sometimes..and that's coming from me and others.." George lightly smiled, "leaving is my specialty, so it's not to unexpected.." Clay ran his fingers through George's hair, "Your not a let down Georgie..you never could be..you have to much of a 'Pretty Privilege'.." George smiled softly, "yeah but your Clay..and your the prettiest of them all.."

"Fucking kiss already!!!" Techno shouted, throwing his hands up. "Yeah come on, I want to watch in 'awe' Cause techno has got to see it all?!" Karl noted. "I agree." Alex simply replied. George and clay rolled their eyes playfully, "maybe one day.." Clay replied, looking at George with a smirk. George widened his eyes, "I-What?!" Everyone laughed at George's reaction, leading them to happiness at the end of the day, while forgetting about ANYTHING(fundy dead.) that happened before.

Is it changing all of the sudden?

Are the tears gone?

What's happening? Fungus dead?

No one cares that he's dead?

Did I do the right thing?

Lord what's going on...

"Some days can be fixed by choices, while others can be fixed by love, we say they can't tell..but we what's beneath it all."


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- Paisley Your Beloved☘️

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- Paisley Your Beloved☘️

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