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A/N: this is a smut fic!!! if you don't like smut, i suggest you leave now :] 


// bondage , overstimulation , degredation , petplay , foodplay

The doorbell rings and Sapnap jumps out of his chair, ripping off his headphones, knowing exactly what it was for. His Valorant game could wait if it meant saving himself the embarrassment of having to explain the package that just arrived. Dream had somehow made it to the door before him though, holding the box in his hands, studying the receipt attached to it.

"Women's Cat Ear French Maid Costume," he reads off, trying his best not to laugh. "Are you good dude? You can always talk to me. Things must be bad if you've resorted to buying a maid outfit," he deadpans, a smile tugging on the corners of his mouth.

"Shut up, Clay," Sapnap mutters. "It's for a sub goal."

"Sub goal, huh? Is that a code word for something?" Dream jokes.

Sapnap just sighs, snatching the box from Dream and heading back into his room. He loved living with his best friend, but Dream sure did annoy him sometimes. 

He truly wasn't lying when he said the dress was for a sub goal, he was gifted an obscene amount of subscriptions on Twitch, fulfilling what he thought to be an unrealistic goal in just one stream. Sapnap knew his fans would eat up the thought of him in a maid outfit, and ended up making a joke that, unfortunately for him, was forced to become reality. He couldn't let them down after such overwhelming support. Plus, it would probably get him lots of views and likes, which sounded good to him. 

He took a glance at his monitor, "DEFEAT" in large, bold letters stretching across the screen. Frustrated, Sapnap closed out of the game and turned to open the package, figuring he'd take a look at it and possibly stream with it immediately, seeing as he had nothing better to do. 

Using scissors, he sliced through the Amazon packaging tape and opened the box, bundles of frills and fabric staring back at him. Sapnap's embarrassingly straight self grimaced, seriously reconsidering his decision. He pulled the dress out of the box and moved to his mirror, holding it by the shoulders to rest it against his body, wondering if he could actually pull it off.

He studied himself for a moment, wondering how hot it would be if he was fucked in this dress. It took him a moment to process where his mind just wandered, but he decided to ignore it and just put on the maid outfit. Would be a waste of $30 if he didn't. 

Slipping off his black hoodie, he replaced it with the black and white dress, pulling it over his head to see it fit almost perfectly. Spinning around to watch the skirt move, he'd be lying if he said he hated how it looked on him. 

Peering back at the box, he notices a pair of thigh highs and cat ears left over. It wouldn't be a complete look if he didnt put on those too. He pulls on a section of hair to fasten a cat ear to it, doing the same with the other. God, he knew he was cute. Yanking off his sweats next, Sapnap takes a sock, pulling it up to his thigh. It feels a bit tight, but at least he looked good.

"Sapnap, do you know where my-" Dream barges in, cutting himself off when he sees Sapnap, standing in front of the mirror in the maid dress and a single thigh high, clutching the other sock in his fist, mortified.

Sapnap doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, frozen where he is, Dream's expression something he'd never quite seen before. The older was wearing a white button down and a black tie along with black dress pants. He had just finished being on a Zoom call with extended family and knew his older relatives would be upset with him if he showed up with a hoodie.

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