The Art Gallery and the issue

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I finally got to show off my skills at the art gallery and it was successfully done well.

I got to meet this big deal photographic guy who wants to buy all my artwork and would like to sponsor and showcase any more photos and artwork I do.

Soon after the Gang and I went and celebrate with our parents. We went to this fancy restaurant called The LaRue's Restaurant. On our way inside the head, the waiter greeted my mum and dad as if they were the owner of the place, I was very intruded on what just happened so I ask the waiter when I excused myself.


Me: Why don't you all go ahead I just have to make this call and I meet up with you guys,(Kissing my boyfriend and whispering save me a seat).

Three minutes until the waiter came back

The Head Waiter: Maam do you want me to show you to your seat.

Me: Yes, but I have a question to ask you.

The Waiter: Yes, sure

Me: The way you just greeted my parents, you greeted them like if you know them well or something, may I ask who own this place and why such a way.

The Head Waiter: Ohh, I am sorry you did not know, but your parents are the owners of this place not only is it a restaurant they are owners of the Club next door.

Me: Uhhhh no, You're saying that my parents own this Building.

I left went to the table looking in belief, when I got back to the table, I felt like if I was in total lost, my parents ask me

POV of the conv at the table

Mum: Hey honey, we were just about to see if you ditched us.

Me: Uh no, I am ok

Erik: U sure babe.

Me: I just have one question and that is to mum and dad, when were you going to tell me you are the Owners of this building.

Dad: I guess the Cat is out the Bag, look we were going to tell you but we taught that it was best you learnt this after the vacation.

Me: So, you mean all this while I was working at the firm, you have been constructing a new building so not only are we Millionaires but we are Billionaires. Dad do you know what I have to deal with now, you lied to me about the loss of a huge amount of money and the calculations I been doing on how the money was lost where I went wrong and all.

Mum: Wait, you were adding up on the amount of money and who took that some and all.

Me: Yes

Dad: Ohh well and I oops

The girls and guys: PLEASE DON'T EVER SAY THAT WE BEG. Laughing

Dad: Why not isnt that what Teenagers say these days

Me: Excuse, I need to minute to myself

I got up and left the private room, I escaped to the bar. Since I was 18 and leaving for College in two weeks time, I guess I deserve my first glass of tequila.

Me: Bartender one glass of tequila, please.

Bartender: I need some Identification card please.

Me: Sure, you do.

As I was reaching out for the Identification card, I heard the bartender said it on the house, knowing the voice could only be my mum.

I said nothing to her, all I felt was betrayed, lied to and did not want to talk to anyone.

I drank my drink and got up, next thing I know mum grab my hand, and whisper in my ears Just know that we wanted to tell you and we are sorry please return to the table.

I returned to the table and I ask Myra to exchange seat with me, Myra would be sitting next to my dad and boyfriend.


Me: Myra can you please exchange seat with me.

Myra: Uhhhh sure

Me: Thanks

The waiter came and took our orders, I heard dad trying to make an order for me but I stop and said I think I am old enough to pick my own dinner out.


The waiter: Are you guys ready to place your order.

Everyone: Yes

Dad: Can you get me and my daughter the chicken Apollo.

Me: No, you cannot, I will make my order myself, beside my sister wouldnt mind having that.

I would like to have the French Cuisine as Myra is having and can I have some Fries with ketchup and pepper.

Once Dad heard my order he just look down and started talking how the trip will be as planned, while we waited for our food, but everyone at the table knows that once I made an order of Fries things is about to be heated.

Erik and the Boys went to get something from the bar.

Myra and the girls also the parents went to go and explore the hallway where mum had suggested and Mum, Dad and my brother and sister was at the table staring at me like if they have seen a ghost.


Mum: Rihanna why dont you take Mike out for a walk with Myra.

Rihanna: DO I really have to, ok Fine

Dad: Linda do you want to talk.

Me: You know what I just thinking about, I am just thinking about those awful tired and scared nights I been at the office alone working on how the money was missing and why was it taken for. But I guess working at the office late being careful on my way to the parking lot, making sure I am not being followed on the way home got me all work up for no reason hoping you wouldn't get angry at me for the mistakes. Yet still, you played as if nothing happened when I handed you the bank statement.

Dad: Look I am sorry, I wanted to tell you that we are getting a new business where your mum and I are running.

Mum: Look Linda not everything ur dad and I have to tell you.

Me: Yeah right.

I was so angry; everyone came back and our food was served I ask for my food to be moved to a private room far from here and I would Like to pay for it myself.

The waiter said ok, just follow me.

I got up from the table and ask anyone joining me or I am just sitting by myself. Myra, Selena and Eriks cousin Ronella got up and follow me. I felt good that I got the girls with me.

After Dinner, I paid for the girls dinner.


Me: Well, I am thinking of catching an uber and go to the diner for some ice -cream or some.

Myra: Uhm sure but before we go, I can speak for me, Nella and Selena, you are being way to hard on your dad. Look sometimes you have to give them space, they are not always going to be here for you and they not going to be able to tell you everything.

Ronella: Cut them some slack please.

Selena: Look Ik you're not going to like being wrong but accept the fault Hun and move on.

Myra: Now Get your lazy self-up and march to the room and apologies.

Dad and the rest of the guys were talking about where we should go besides, we need our rest for tomorrow afternoon for the trip.

I will go and get the girls and tell them we are leaving.

Dad came to the room and told us that we are leaving and we should go and how we have to go and pack for the trip and so on.

Myra butted in and said Oh shoot I forgot we leaving for the trip the next tomorrow.

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