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Cleanup On Aisle D

"What kind of proposition?" I plastered a smile on my face, shoving down everything I felt about life right now, and shoving the fears someone would catch us.

"Follow me, love." He took my hand, leading me down the steps of the tower.

"Where are we going?" I laughed, as he pulled me closer, and I wrapped my other hand around the arm that was holding my hand.

"You'll see!" He assured me, rounding the corner. George met us as we did, throwing his arm over my shoulders as we walked.

"Oi, babe, Freddie's got himself a girlfriend, is that right?" He teased.

"Aw, jealous, Georgie? There's enough of me to go around." I winked at him, and he laughed with me. "If I recall this right, Fred dropped all rights to you as his brother and told me to take over the job, though, so that will just have to do."

"You've got a sassy one!" He slapped Fred's shoulder.

"Ain't that the truth." Fred rolled his eyes at us, squeezing my hand a bit tighter.

"But hey-" he looked over at George, back to me for a moment, and then back to his twin, "wicked." They finished together with a laugh, and George rustled my hair. I rolled my eyes at the both of them.

"I was joking about that though, you can't have him." Fred looked down to me.

"Whatever, Heather. Care to tell me where we are headed, boys?" I spun in front of them, walking backwards for a minute. I saw both of their faces drop, and I bumped into someone, falling on the floor. Fred, and the person I bumped into, immediately reached down to help me up. I looked up, recognizing the suit of course, and the platinum hair. I took each of their hands as they pulled me up. Draco held on to my hand for a second too long, dropping it when he realized I had been up for a minute.

"You alright?" Fred pulled pulled my back to his chest, away from Draco.

"I'm fine." I smiled up at him, looking back to Draco.

"Hi, Draco." I smiled at him as well.

"Acaiuth." He had a scowl, barely acknowledging me. What had happened last night? I thought we had at least become friends. I frowned as he shoved past us, going down the hall. I was going to talk to him about this, and I was going to get an answer.

I shook it off as Fred and George continued walking with me, bringing me down to the Black Lake, lighting a joint, and passing it around. I sat between Fred's legs, his arm around my waist as I leaned into his chest. George was laying back on the grass, watching the stars, paying no attention to Fred and I.

"Come here." I whispered, bringing it to my mouth as I drew out a big hit. He leaned down, and I held my hand on his cheek as I blew all my smoke into his mouth. His grin was huge as he looked down at me, blowing the smoke away from my face.

"Get a room." George teased, laying back down.

"Yeah, maybe we should." I teased Fred, poking his chest.

"You're real funny, come on guys, we should get inside." He laughed at me, pulling me off the ground.

I walked down to the dungeons alone, sneaking into my dorm without making any noise. My social meter had run completely out, even with with weed, and I rested my forehead against my door as I closed it.

"I'm so fucking tired." I mumbled to myself, kicking my shoes near my wardrobe, and dropping my robe on the floor. I sat at my desk for a minute, unbuttoning my shirt and pulling that off as well. As I dropped my skirt on the floor last, pulling a tshirt off the ground. I noticed it was Dracos and sighed. Wait... why was this shirt on my floor? I looked up on my bed, and there he was, under my covers, sleeping. I sighed again, pulling his shirt over my body as I climbed in next to him. He shifted himself, opening his arm as I cuddled up to him.

"Are you awake?" I whispered, resting my arm and head on his bare chest.

"No." He grumbled, as he pulled my hair out of my ponytail and ran his fingers through it. "Why were you hanging out with Weasley?" He looped my hair tie around his wrist for safe-keeping.

"Are you jealous?" I raised my eyebrows, half-way smirking because he couldn't see my face.

"No." He said very quickly. "Are you wearing my shirt?" He lifted his head, looking down at me.

"I- yes, I'm sorry-" I put my head back down, and so did he.

"No, it's okay." His voice became softer. He sat up, pulling me up as well.

"What are you doing?" I asked, and he pushed my cardigan down my arms.

"Just give me a minute." He mumbled, grabbing a book off his nightstand as well as his wand, and started a spell to fix the bruises.

In a matter of minutes, they looked like they did before it happened, and it was hard to think they had looked that bad.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered, still sitting up in bed, his hand pulling away from me, and the blankets fell around my back, showing his bare chest. His hair was messy, and I'm pretty sure he was asleep before I had come in.

"What is it?" He whispered back, still sitting up as well, resting his back against my headboard.

"Why did you call me that earlier? My last name?" I looked down at my bed, not up at him. His hand came under my chin, lifting it with his middle finger to look at him.

"What would you like me to call you, angel?" His voice was deep, and raspy, and so intoxicating. I blushed as his words, it covering my entire face.

"Anything you want, just not that. Please." I crawled back into his arms to hide my face, and he snuck a hand under my shirt to rub my back.

"Seems like I found the one that gets you worked up, didn't I?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, and I rolled my eyes.

"Goodnight, Draco." I whispered, closing them again.

"Goodnight, Deiadamia." He whispered back, his hand still rubbing circles into my spine.

Instantly, I felt like I woke up. Draco was beside me still, the clock read the same time, he didn't respond, and again, I woke up.

This time, Draco was gone, but the time was the same, and I heard voices behind my head as I was sitting up. I was paralyzed with fear, and I closed my eyes before I laid back down again.

It felt like I was falling through my bed, until I held my hands on my stomach and started heating my skin up. I kept heating until it felt like I might burst into flames, and finally, I woke from the nightmare. Handprints burned into my stomach, and I had to search through my books for a spell to fix it.

Draco was indeed gone, which made me glad yet again, because there was nothing I could do to stop myself from having episodes like this. There were only temporary fixes, but those had their own side effects as well. Last time this had happened, it was all stemming from the same place, until I finally broke amd burst like a dam. For Dumbledore and McGonagall, it was cleanup on aisle D, like it was every few years. Small fires, broken windows, it was a mystery why I never got into more serious trouble for it, but I strongly assumed it had something to do with my parents.

As it always did.

After I found the spell, I used it and put my books back as I searched for a bracelet that was gifted to me from the headmaster himself. He had charmed it with small charges to try to balance my magic and energy, but it had those dreaded side effects, or I would always wear it. It made me impulsive, reckless, and sometimes numb.

I wore it still, though, as It was my only hope that this time would be smoother, and maybe the cleanup would be avoided for a while.

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