Chapter 7 : hahaha....

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Dirty Town - Mother Mother
0:23 ━❍────── 2:32
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

(Y/n)'s POV
I sat next to Elizabeth as everyone was talking I walked up stairs and started talking to Elaine until i felt something downstairs "I'll be back" I yelled and ran down stairs "Elizabeth!" I yelled and grabbed her arm right as she got teleported I yelped as I teleported with her "Are you OK Izzy" I asked panicked "Izzy?" She asked I blushed "Sorry I didn't mean to" I said and laughed nervously "It's OK I like it" she said and patted my shoulder I smiled I walked to the door and was about to kick it down when I felt a massive pain run through my body "Ahh" I screamed and fell to the floor holding my stomach "(Y/n) Are you OK" Hawks asked running to me I groaned and yelled in pain "(Y/n) it's OK We're here" Izzy said and grabbed my shoulder "That's it Rolling ham attack" Hawks yelled and knocked down the door Izzy grabbed my waist and laid me on Hawks back "There so you don't have to walk" she said and smiled i chocked out a thank you we started walking Izzy was yelling her sisters name "Elizabeth" a voice yelled I groaned and sat up walking to the door and lifted my leg to kick the door but yelped as I the pain doubled "(Y/n)!" Izzy yelled and hugged me I screamed as I got Teleported to the boar hat "Kermit" I screamed as I hit the ground "(Y/n)!" King and Diane yelled running to me Diane picked me up "are you OK" she asked I nodded and stood up we started walking again I closed my eyes and started calming myself down until I heard a whistle I yelped and fell off Diane but I used an air spell to make myself float suddenly I saw Oswald "Aw Oswald how are you" I said and started petting him he licked my cheek and opened his mouth I smiled and nodded he grew and I flew in his mouth I got Teleported to the castle but Diane got stuck I grabbed her arm and pulled her "Ack" I yelled as I accidentally let go I looked over and jumped up "Oh uh hi nothing to see here" I said smiling nervously this one guy I think his name is Dreyfus or some sh*t walked up to me "Long time no see no why are you here" he said grabbing his sword I did the same "Just give Izzy back" I yelled holding my sword out "Who now" he said raising a brow "Give Elizabeth back now" I yelled glaring at him Jericho jumped and tried to attack us I rolled my eyes and swung my Scythe using an air spell to fling her back and breaking the castle I glared as we got shocked with lightning I screamed in pain but stood my ground the lightning stopped and they all looked at me Shocked (Heh get it no OK) I started wobbling but still didn't fall suddenly I was hit with lightning and a tornado I struggled and started flying around suddenly I felt ice cutting me I screamed and used a combined attack with Diane and we flung the green haired guy in the air and stopped the tornado I started panting I stood up with Diane and I smirked and grabbed my sword "Ready" I asked she nodded and we glared at Dreyfus"If you don't give Izzy back right now I'll beat you to a bloody splat" I yelled popping my knuckles he laughed "Pathetic" he said Diane used ground Gladiolus on his but he cut right through it "Huh no way" I whispered he sent a swing at Diane it hit her right above her heart "Diane!" I yelled she fell to the ground he hit her 3 more times "You *sshole" I screamed and sent rapid attacks at him "Aren't holy knights suppose to help people" I yelled he dodged them with no effort and swung at me my eye's widened as I coughed up blood I wiped my mouth and stood up gripping my sword as hard as I can "I'm gonna kill you for hurting my friends and for kidnapping Izzy" I yelled and swung attacks at him he continued dodging my attack's he hit me 4 more times I continued standing even though It hurt "Are they Immortal or something" the green haired guy asked "Like we said Don't under estimated us" I yelled and coughed blood again Dreyfus hit us with an attack that made us fly into the city I coughed and stood up people started throwing rocks at me and Diane just walked away I gasped as someone threw a knife at me it hit me in the shoulder I fell down and started struggling to get up once I got up an attack hit Diane in the face I started walking with Diane "why do we even care they hate us anyways" Diane asked looking at me "We made a promise to Izzy and we'll keep it" I said she smiled and nodded another attack hit Diane I gasped as I saw a little boy "Wait Zeil stop get out of the way" I yelled he looked at me shocked I ran to him as a piece of rubble started falling to him I grabbed him and held him the my chest the rubble hit my back I yelled in pain and Zeil hugged me tightly "Are you OK" I asked my eye's starting to close he nodded I smiled "Your dad was a great person you know he saved my life many times" I said blood started falling from my mouth I chuckled and wiped the blood away Diane keeled next to me Zeil looked at me shocked "You knew my father" he asked I nodded and I felt a hand on my shoulder "Howzer?" I asked looking up at him he smiled kindly and looked at Dreyfus "Zeil are you alright" Guila asked checking him for injuries "It's nice to finally meet you Guila" I said with a smiled my eye's closed and I fell to the ground

I gasped and flung up "What where am I" I looked around and saw Elaine "Elaine!" I yelled she turned to me with disgust I looked at her confused "You couldn't even save a town full of people" she said rudely "what?" I asked she rolled her eyes and walked away suddenly everyone I know and love came up to me and started yelling at me and insulting me I fell to my knees "I'm sorry" I yelled and covered my ear's 'What am I doing I need to be strong' I thought and got up suddenly I a felt massive pain run through my body I struggled to stand up but I stood up "You can't hurt me because Your not real" I screamed suddenly I started floating and this suit of armor appeared around me and my Scythe appeared (Up top)

I grabbed it and spun it around "Sick" I said and smiled suddenly everything went white I covered my eye's "(Y/n)!l I heard people yelled I opened my eyes "Guy's" I yelled and hugged everyone everyone being Howzer, King, Diane, Gowther, Guila and Zeil I smiled "Nice armor" Howzer said and punched my shoulder I laughed "Thanks" I said and swung my Scythe around "That's not the only new thing" I said and smirked he blushed and smiled I laughed suddenly a black fog appeared I coughed up blood "No there might be other people around" I said and ran at Helbrum (? Is that right) he used a spell to hit me backwards I got up and ran at him tackling him I punched him and used earth to stick him to the ground Diane punched him I smiled and was about to say something but Helbrum shot ice at Diane "You B*tch" I yelled and ran at him using my Scythe to wrap around his neck i jumped up and stood behind him holding the scythe to him throat he gasped and turned around and picked me up in a flash I screamed "(Y/n)!" Howzer and Guila yelled Helbrum threw me I fronted of him and kicked me into the building next to Diane I groaned as blood slipped past my lips onto my armor to the ground Howzer was about to run to us but Helbrum made ice shards I struggled to get up trying to use my powers suddenly the ice shards broke I gasped as tear started falling down my cheek mixing with blood "Who did this Who did such terrible things to Diane and (Y/n) was it you or you" he yelled pointing at Howzer and Guila "It wasn't them King they saved us" Diane said King walked to Howzer and started punching his armor "But you didn't you didn't protect them at all" he yelled I gasped and got up grunting as walked to him grabbing his hand and pulling him into a hug he started sobbing into my chest "Why can't I keep the people I care about safe" he sobbed Helbrum started yelling at him and swung at him "Shut up You sick F*ck" I screamed letting go of king at looked at Helbrum " motherfucker! HOW CAN YOU HURT SO MANY PEOPLE AND ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED! YOU HAVE KILLED SO MANY PEOPLE AND YOU CONTINUE TO BLAME OTHERS!!!" I yelled looking right at him with a dark glare everyone looked at me shocked I sobbed and fell to my knees Howzer hugged me King and Helbrum started fighting I sobbed into Howzer's chest he picked me up and ran to Diane "I can walk you know" I said my voice raspy I looked up and saw the root things coming at up I gasped and tried to use my power's but king beat me to it "No" I said my throat hurting

(And done hope you enjoyed sorry for the cliffhanger but I had to sorry any who bye bye my little mushrooms 🍄 words 1764 )

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