"I love you with all my heart"

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You wake up the next morning with you and Miles cuddled up together.

"Come on baby wake up." you say while playing with his hair
"No just a couple more minutes I don't want to let you go." Miles replied holding you tighter
"Fine just a little longer." you say while smiling

After 30 more minutes of cuddling you and Miles get up and get dressed.⬇️

You walk in Miles room and see him putting on his shirt

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You walk in Miles room and see him putting on his shirt.

"Hey I have a gift for you I forgot to give it to you last night." Miles says while grabbing something off his dresser

Miles hands you a box with a necklace inside⬇️

Miles hands you a box with a necklace inside⬇️

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You take it out and look at it.

"It's beautiful thank you Miles." you say giving him a kiss on the cheek after
"Do you want it on." Miles asks
"Yes please." you reply

You give it to him and turn around.
You pull your hair up and Miles put the necklace around your neck and clips it and after he clips it he kisses you on the neck.

You smile and turn around and hug him lightly.
You both stand there for a little while and go downstairs.

"Hey are you packed?" Kate asks
"What? What do you mean?" you ask back
"We're leaving today." Kate answers
"Are you kidding me?" you say sadly
"No wait can y/n stay or maybe even live here." Miles asks furiously
"I don't know Miles you don't really make the rules." Kate says to Miles
"Fine then I will ask Ms. Grose." Miles says before speeding out the room

After 5 minutes Miles comes back with Ms. Grose.

"Go ahead tell her." Miles says to Ms. Grose
"Well me and Miles were talking and I would love to have y/n live her and you can come back at any time to visit and it would be great for me, Miles, and Flora especially." Ms. Grose explains to Kate

You look at Kate and mouth 'please'.
Kate looks at you and looks back at Miles then Flora.

"Ok fine." Kate sighs

You run up to her and hug her.

"Thank you so much Kate." you say
"It's not a problem but make sure you at least call me and FaceTime me ok?" Kate says
"Ok." you say as you release from Kate

You walk up to Miles and hug him super tight.

"Ok well I better go but I will come back in a few days with all of your stuff y/n." Kate says
"Ok." you reply

Kate leaves and you, Flora, and Miles group hug then stop and walk to the couch.

"I'm so happy your gonna live here now." Flora says
"Me too." Miles says after Flora
"I know so what are we gonna do every day?" you ask Flora
"PLAY!" Flora replies with a big smile

You and Miles giggle and he hold you hand.
You kiss his hand and you two start to play tea party with Flora.

After awhile you three eat lunch.
After lunch you guys take a walk around the property with Miles holding your left hand and Flora holding your right hand.

After your walk it's about 5:27 and you all go inside and play hide and seek.

After 6 rounds of hide and seek its 7:49 and you, Miles, and Flora go downstairs to the dining room and eat dinner.

After dinner you and Miles put Flora to bed and read her a book.

You walk to your room and get in the shower.
You hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it." you ask
"It's me." Miles says while walking in
"Can I come in?" Miles adds on
"Come in, where?" you ask
"Can I come in the shower with you?" Miles asks

You take a deep breath and reply with...
"Ya sure."

It's silent for a little bit and then you can hear the curtain lightly open. Then you hear it close.
Miles put his arms around your waist and starts to kiss your neck.

You hold the back of his hand and let him kiss your neck. Then you turn around and you both start making out.

"You sure you wanna do this...again?" you ask

Miles leaves the shower and comes back in with protection.

"Yes." Miles replies to your question

Miles for a around and slips on the protection the turn back to you and enters you.

After an hour of doing it you both get out and get your pajamas on.⬇️

You both lay down on your bed and watch TV

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You both lay down on your bed and watch TV.

"Y/n?" Miles says
"Yes Miles?" you ask
"Can I tell you something?" he asks back
"Of course my love." you say while moving his hair out of
Miles holds you tight and says...
"I love you with all of my heart."

You smile really big and dig your head in his chest.

"I love you too." you reply

You both end up falling asleep after awhile.

Summer love {Miles Fairchild}Where stories live. Discover now