Chapter 3, Deadly Nightmare

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⚠️Warning⚠️one of the more/probably most violent chapters ahead. Be warned! Very gore-y at the end!!⚠️

"Wilbur! Get up!" Techno semi shouted for Wilbur.

"Six and a half more minutes.... I'm happy.."

"Wilby!! Not the time!! Dad has a shotgun!!"

Wilbur sat up violently from a sleeping bag on the floor. "What!?!?!" Techno silenced Wilbur and did a shhh motion for Wilbur to shush.

"Kids, where did you go? I only want to talk to you all. I was just putting it away! That's all!"

Tommy shook his head vigorously, he was scared. Wilbur could tell. So could Techno so he tried to calm Tommy down.

Without either of them noticing Wilbur had snuck away to find Phil. Okay, right into a nightmare.. How lovely.. Wish this told me how long I'd be and what intensity it was.. Oh well.

Wilbur was on the search for Phil. See what he looked like. That at least gave him somewhat of a guess on how bad it was.

Wilbur was walking for what felt like an hour and then he found Phil. Bad news, they were face to face with no one else around.

"Wilbur! Just the shitty child I was looking for.." his tone darkened as he aimed at Wilbur's heart.

"Dad!! P-Put down the gun please!.." Wilbur said shakily while walking backwards.

"I will! Just, not yet." he grips on the trigger a little tighter. Wilbur takes this time you run but Phil shoots Wilbur in the ankle.

Wilbur screamed in pain as he fell to the floor and gripped his ankle to stop the bleeding but the bullet in there was hurting the most. Almost as if the bullet was melting the inside of his inner tissue and some of his inner flesh too.

Phil had walked over and kneeled down beside Wilbur rapping his arm that didn't have the shotgun in it around him. "What's wrong Wilbur? It's just a small bullet wound! Or did you get the burning one?"

Wilbur was petrified in this instance.. Phil has never done this! Ever! Am I getting more afraid of him?... I-I might actually be..-

In that instance he had to cut that thought because Phil had stuck his pinky finger in the bullet wound without Wilbur noticing and he winced very badly at this trying not to scream for a second time because previously Wilbur had screamed too much once and his tongue was sliced out slowly. Which was very painful.

So Wilbur just tried to keep as quiet as he could as Phil messed around with the wound making it bleed more and more. And at some point Wilbur started crying from the pain.

"D-Dad.. P-Please stop.. That-" he winces, Phil took a sharp twist with his finger. "That hurts.. A-A lot.. I don't know how much you think it hurts but-"

"Oh I know it hurts Wilbur. That's the point of it."

Phil said, almost.. Emotionless..?

"Why!!" Wilbur semi shouted at Phil and then winced very very badly because Phil took his finger out and shoved a small knife in there instead.

"Why not! No one even really cares about you anyway!!"

Phil aimed the shotgun at Wilbur's head.

As Phil was about to pull the trigger

"Wilbur?- WILBUR!!" Tommy peaked out and saw what was going on.

Phil looked up at Tommy and, almost as if Tommy was a target Phil needed to kill, he aimed at Tommy and shot him multiple times in areas that wouldn't kill him other than make him bleed out.

"TOMMY!!!" Wilbur screamed with tears starting to stream now.

Phil got up, took out a scalpel he had in his pocket and walked over to Tommy's bleeding self who was freaking out. He held the scalpel firmly.


Wilbur was trying to shout but no answer.

"Dad! Dad please don't-" Tommy was trying to plead as well.. It's a natural reaction to have.. Especially because of his age I wouldn't think anything else... Wilbur zoned out for only a few seconds but when he looks back..

He sees Phil slowly pulling out Tommy's veins on his arms, not cutting them yet. Just.. Pulling them out and carving them out of the skin.. Tommy is screaming and crying in the mass amounts of pain he's going through.

"TOMMY!!- PHIL!- PHILZA!! STOP!! CAN'T YOU SEE YOUR CAUSING HIM PAIN!? AND MASS AMOUNTS OF IT!!!?!?!" Wilbur shouted at Phil but there was no reaction from Phil.. At all..

After a little bit longer of torturing Tommy, he finally killed him by taking out an axe he apparently had and chopped off Tommy's head with it.

Tommy's body was going to permanently scar Wilbur.. And the screams of terror and pain and cries of help are too.. Permanently engraved in his brain.. In memory.. Forever....

Phil just threw the axe in a direction but Wilbur heard it slice through someone's neck..

Who was that? Who else is here!? Whose neck did he-

That question was answered quickly as Techno's head rolled down to Wilbur and as Phil came closer.

Phil took out the knife and made multiple wounds on Wilbur all over him and then took out the shotgun..

Aimed it at Wilbur... and said..

"Time to wake up from your nap Will.."

And he pulled the trigger..

Sorry that that got very very gore-y at the end! My mind just said "and Tommy shows up" and so on. I added onto the warning above since it gets so gruesome at the end

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