Chapter 1

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Light shined into my bedroom which made me groan and open my eyes. I should really close the curtains.

My eyes adjusted to the light and I sat up slowly from my bed.

I heard pans rattling in the kitchen and the smell of pancakes slowly crept into my room.

This made my stomach rumbled loudly.

He better made food for me too or I swear I'm going to cut his hair while he's asleep.

I put my feet on the wooden floor ignoring the fact that it was freezing and stood up.

I grabbed my phone and opened my bedroom door.

Michael was there at the cooker making breakfast, wearing his glasses, his black skinny jeans, his navy plaid shirt opened, a black t-shirt underneath it and his hair a mess.

"Morning!!" He shouted and I covered my ears.

"Shhh I just woken up," I said pissed and Michael just laughed.

"Why are you up this early?" I asked.

"Dude, it's 12PM, why are YOU up so late?" He asked back.

"What are you talking about? 12 is still early," I said and sat down at the table.

I yawned and Michael set down a plate of pancakes.

"You always make pancakes," I said and took one.

"That's because pancakes are amazing!" He said back.

I just shrugged and ate the pancakes.

My phone rang and I looked to see who it was.


"Gud nem" Michael said while his mouth was stuffed with pancakes.

"It's my manager," I mumbled and press 'accept'

"Christian?This is your manager" I heard my manager say.

No shit I thought it was Shrek.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Can you come to the P.T.A.H building please? We have to talk asap," My manager said.

"Oh Oka-" *BEEP BEEP BEEP* Before I could finish he hung up.

I sighed heavily and slump back on the wooden chair which made a squeaky noise.

"You in deep shit or what?" Michael asked downing a glass of pure orange.

"Probably," I said not looking at him.

"You should really get ready then, C'mon I'll walk with you," He said and stood up.

"Why are you coming? You don't need to go," I said now looking at him.

"I don't NEED to. I WANT to...and also because I want to go to the coffee shop and I want company while walking there, " he said saying the last part quick.

I laughing lightly and stood up also. "I'll be ready in like 10 minutes," I said and walked into my room.

"FUCK YOU THIS IS MY 4TH TIME THIS WEEK WASHING THE DISHES!" I heard him shout in the kitchen.

I ignored him and threw my phone on my bed.

No one is probably reading this but if you are...hi!

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