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"That woman...needs to be eliminated." Aurora coughs as Tristan lays her down.

"Aurora you need to get over Klaus, I believe that woman we fought is his lover."
"Makes me hate...her more then." She growls angrily before coughing and vomiting blood. Tristan grew worried as he growls hating two things thats happening right now. The situation his sister is in and her being obsessed with a man who by now can rip them to shreds.

Tristan got up and opened the door to the motel.

"Rest, I'll be right back." He tells her and left as Aurora grunted slightly.


"Here." Robin handed Elijah a bottle as he takes it and looks at the bottle seeing the substance inside.

"What is that?" Mikael asks looking at the bottle too.

"It's what I used to dip the blade of this switch blade. Its made out of vervain, with some wolf's teeth that has been crushed, poison that came from Egypt, and wolf's bane." She tells them as their eyes widen.

"Wow." Kol backs away from Elijah.

"Would it effect an original with the same symptoms?" Klaus asks earning a glare from his siblings.

"I am asking just in case someone uses it on us."
"Yes, you." Rebekah glares as Robin shrugs.

"I don't know, never tried it since I never met any originals until now." She says and Elijah quickly hid it in his pocket.

"Then let us not find out shall we?" He turns to look at Klaus who rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I need to get going, I have to go to a job interview." Robin says and walks away.

"Where?" Rebekah asks.

"Nursing in town. I need to go cause I don't want to be late." She says and waving goodbye leaving the mansion as Klaus watched her with awe.

"Someones in love." Kol grins and Klaus turns to glare at him.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Jeremy chuckles as Klaus shook his head before walking upstairs.

"Come on, next training." Finn says to Jeremy and he nodded walking with him.


Tristan looks around the town as his eyes darted everywhere until he spotted the familiar brunette leaving the hospital. He walks towards her way before turning left disappearing into the crowd. Robin walks into Grills and towards the bar greeting Matt who tended it.

"Hello Matt, can I get a glass of water?" She asks and he nodded leaving as she sits down sighing softly feeling relief wash over her. She took out her phone looking through it when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"We will talk about something important so I would suggest getting up." She hears and she knew its the male De Martel.

"And what are you gonna do? This place is very crowded, you wouldn't want anyone to find out what you are." Robin says smiling as Matt came and handed her water before noticing the man's hand on her shoulder.

"I suggest you take your hand off her." Matt tells him as the male De Martel looks at him.

"And what are you gonna do?"
"Not me, her. I'm just here to give a warning." He smirks as Robin chuckles.

"He already got the taste of it."
"Really? You know him?"
"No, but he and his sister did try to pull something off only for one of them to get stabbed." Robin says and Matt's eyes widen.

"They're vampires, they're fine." She tells him as his eyes widen more and the male De Martel let go of her shoulder and sat down next Robin.

"Tell me a cure for my sister."
"There's no cure."
"She's dying!"
"She'll live. She'll be well tomorrow, back to her old psychotic stalker-self." She tells him as he growls.

"You tell me what the cure is or I will rip you through shreds." He threatens as Matt looked worried, but Robin shooed him away with a calm look.

"Darling, I heard many vampires tell me those same lines and same words, but the only person that will be dead in the spot." Robin quickly slams the male De Martel's head to the counter as he grunted in pain and everyone looked at them.

"Is the person who got their head slammed to the counter. Now, I suggest you leave this town with your sister or I will bring something you two won't like. Consider it a promise and warning." Robin drank the rest of her water before leaving Grills. She hops back into the car and drove home.


Jeremy packs his things when he phones dings causing for him to check on it.

"Well shit." He says as Klaus hears him.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Robin said that the male de Martel came to Grills to find a cure for his sister and she got threatened by him if she didn't tell him."
"What did she say?" Klaus asks with worry as another notification dings and Jeremy looks.

"She said she just slammed his head to the bar counter and went home." Jeremy says as Klaus growls a little.

"I see. I'll take you home." Klaus tells him and he nodded as Jeremy carries his bags and they walked to the front door. Klaus opens the door only to be greeted by Stefan.

"Salvatore, what do you want?" Klaus asks.

"I came to pick up Jeremy." He tells Klaus.

"Really? Says who?" Klaus asks crossing his arms.

"Says the older sister."
"Which one? The one you fucked or the one you are too afraid to talk to?" He again and Stefan glares at him. Jeremy got another ding as he checks it to see Elena texting him.

"Elena said she wanted to talk to me." He reads out loud.

"And I do not want to talk to her." Jeremy continues as Stefan sighs and Klaus held a triumph smile.

"Seems like you aren't taking the little Gilbert home."
"I'll take care of him Klaus."
"Yes, but I have a delivery that I need to do, so off we go now." Klaus says as he and Jeremy walks pass Stefan and they both entered his car before Klaus glares at Stefan and got in the driver seat. Klaus drove to the Gilbert's home as Jeremy texted Robin what happened. They soon arrived as Klaus and Jeremy got out the car and Jeremy moves a pot aside  taking the and opening the door.

"Come in." Jeremy tells him as Klaus looked pleased before getting inside and shutting the door.

"Robin, I'm home!" Jeremy shouted as no reply came.

"In the shower!" They heard as Jeremy chuckles and walked to the kitchen leaving Klaus to decide where he should go first.

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