Coming home... but better

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It has been over a month since you've been in the hospital. The team has had two cases in the time you were chained to the bed. You had forced Aaron to leave for work. When he wasn't working you told him to spend time with Jack because it had been who knows how long it's been since he saw his son.

He brought Jack by to see you. He wanted to give you one of his famous hugs. But Aaron had already explained to him that you were injured. But he let him sit on the end of the bed you two could play go-fish.

It had been so long since you had last seen the kid. You couldn't tell if it was the way you were laying down but you swore the kid had grown.

Your mom didn't hesitate to point out that your heart rate would spike when either of them walked in. The whole of your mom being a nurse didn't help the situation. She mentioned something about only seeing that happen with patients that had been bedridden for months.

But after all the tests, painkillers, and surgery's it was finally time for you to go home. The team had gotten a case a couple of days prior and they were still in some rural area of North Carolina.

Your mom was out talking with Savannah about the thing you were and were not allowed to do. You walked out of the bathroom from changing out of your patient gown and into a hoodie and joggers.

That's when you heard your phone ringing. You shut the door and slowly walk to the chair your mom had been sitting in. You flip the phone over to see the picture you had of Aaron sleeping- his contact picture.

"Hi." You said and put the phone on speaker and threw it on the bed. You dug through the bag your mom had brought looking for a hair-tie.

"You sound better." He said you could hear the smile in his voice.

"I'm excited, I get to sleep in my bed tonight." You smiled.

"I thought you were supposed to get discharged next week." You knew he wanted to be there when you went home. But you had a feeling he was going to be away.

"Yeah, me too but apparently I heal faster than most people." You threw your hair into a messy bun knowing you'll take it down once you got home.

He stood silent for a second. If you knew him well enough- which you did, you could tell he was twirling a pen between his fingers. "Babe, I'm gonna be just fine." You reassured him.

"I know you are, I just..." He trailed off.

"I know." You added softly and sat down on the bed. "And nothing bad is going to happen, my mom is here and she won't let me breathe without her go ahead."

"That's why I like her so much." He was smiling and you knew it.

"Yeah, I like you too." Your mom said and stood in front of you. "So, we need to change your bandage every two hours. You still can't do too much moving around. That includes working out, running, sex." She looked between you and the phone.

"Well, there goes my plans." You said in a disappointing tone. That earned a sigh from both your mom and Aaron.

"Is there anything else?" Aaron changed the subject.

"No that's pretty much it." Your mom said and grabbed the bag that was next to you.

"Ok, well please be careful and text me when you get home." He said.

"I will, you be careful too." Your voice was soft.

"I will, I love you."

"I love you too." You hung up the phone and looked at your mom.

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