Chapter 2.

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        I fell asleep halfway through the long 12 hour drive after we had stopped to get some food. I woke up by Apollos licking my face to a very long and very beautiful drive way like road. "Woah, we're here aren't we?" I asked me mom and dad. "Yep sweetie we're here, and Lu and her parents will be here in 20 minutes." My mom told me. I look around to see us parking in the parking lot. I notices a Jeep beside us with a very handsome boy inside. He looked my way and smirked. I looked down to hide my blush that was creeping up onto my face. I quickly hopped out of the truck with Apollo on his leash, he was so excited to go run and play. "Welcome! You must be Addilyn. So I suppose Lucy must be right behind you?" "Yes ma'am. That's her pulling up right now." I tell her as Lucy gets out of the car with her parents. "Alright ladies and gentlemen follow me. I'll take you on a tour as well as shoe you your rooms. First up the stables." She tells us as we begin to follow her. "We have prince and arabellas stable picked out with their names on them already, I'm sure you girls would love to know that they are right across from each other. Here you girls are. Here is a lock and you get to pick your pin.". I was glad that they gave us locks to lock up the stables you never know what could happen. "Alright if you girls will follow me to the field. So here is where the sports take place. Big isn't it?" "That's a huge field ma'am. And might I add green." Lucy said. After she got done showing us the school she led us to the top floor and showed us to our room, which was completely bare. "Girls we're all gonna help you get set up. As much as I'm dreading it we have a long drive tomorrow." Lucy's mom said. "Yes, so we need to get your boxes in here, get the horses moved to their stables, then we need to head to the hotels." My dad said. I turned to Lucy with a very happy face "Lucy can you believe the horse arena?!" "I know right! Racing and barrel racing?! This is so cool!" "Alright girls let's start moving boxes." My dad said.

        After an hour and 30 minutes of moving boxes and animals into their places we had said one of the hardest goodbye to our parents. "Do you want to start decorating or should we go eat first?" Lucy asked turning to me. "Well I don't know about you, but I'm starving." I say as I laugh. We linked arms and put the animals in their cages to head out of the door. We headed out of the door only to run into someone. A girl. A very beautiful girl. "Oh I'm so sorry!" The girls says. "No totally our fault." I say to her. "My names Alva. Yours?" "I'm Lucy and this is Addilyn." Lucy told her. "You two are very pretty." "What? No! That is definitely all you! So how long have you been going here?" I ask. "Well about three months. I take it your new, so would you guys like your very former friend here? You guys can sit with me if you're heading to dinner." "Yeah of course!" Lucy says. "I'm loving you already." I told her as all three of us link arms. The whole way there we got to know each other better. I think it's safe to say me and Lucy had made a great friend. Once we got our food that looked very fancy we followed Alva to a table that sat three boys. One of the boys being the one I say earlier in the jeep. "Guys! Meet my new friends! This is Addilyn and Lucy." She said pointing to us. "Please ladies, take a seat. We don't bite." One with longish hair said. "Girls, that's Noah. My boyfriend. This is Blake." She said point to a tall very skinny, but strong looking boy. We shook hands with the two and she began to speak about the other one. "Girls this is Ryan, he's a player and an ass so don't mind him. But he is a really good overprotective friend." He shook our hands smiling a cocky smile. "So ladies, tell us about yourselves." Noah says. I look at Lucy silently asking for her to go first. She clears her throat and beings speaking "yeah, I'm Lucy octavia Spencer's, I'm 16, my birthday is October 12th, I have a horse, a dog, and very good grades. Oh and this is my best friend and my sister." She finishes. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Blake says. "I do not actually." She says as he being to speak again. "Well I think you're very beautiful." She looks down at her lap smiling. "Thank you, Blake." "Anytime." He says. "Addilyn, what about you?" Alva says. "I'm 16, I have my dog Apollo, my horse prince, I have good grades, Lucy is like my sister, it was really hard for me to make friends still is by the way, and I like to read. I guess that's really it." I tell them. Ryan leans over the table smirking "So what's your typa guy?" "Not players, I hold higher standards." He scowls at me. His friends burst out with laughter. "I like her." Noah says to his girlfriend. "I think we're all going to be amazing friends." She tells us. As we finished eating in the huge and fancy cafeteria me and Lucy decided to go start setting up our room. It took us two hours to set up our room. We had the beds made, the couch in place, the desk in place, our lights hung up, and our rug down. On the other side of the room we put our clothes into each of our closets, set up our mini fridge, microwave, and coffee pot, set up our small tv, put both dog cages up, and finished our bathroom. "We should go unload our horses!" Lucy says excitedly.


        We started out of our door when we ran into our new group of friends heading out as well. "Hey where ya guys going?" Blake asks "we're just going to put our horses in their stable." I tell them. "Do you guys need some help?" Noah asks "yeah we can lend a hand Ryan says looking at me. I look towards Lucy smiling as she says "Yeah that'd be great! Thank you guys" "of course!" Alva says. We make our way to the trailers our parents left and began to lead them towards the stables out in the big green field. Ryan walks beside me asking if he can pet him. "Yeah! His name is prince, he's very friendly, super smart, and very protective of me." "He sounds like a great companion to have." Ryan says looking at me smiling. "He is, I got him when I was 13. He's been one of the things I didn't know I would need most." I tell Ryan. We reach the stables and Ryan holds his leading chain as I open the lock. "Wanna do the honors?" I ask him "sure, why not." He replies as I smile at him. Prince gets settled in with no problem. I look over to see Lucy getting Arabella settled in. "What's on your mind?" Blake asks walking up to me. "Oh nothing. Just thinking about what it's gonna be like here. Ya know? Kinda scary and we haven't had our first actual day yet." "Yeah I totally get it. I was terrified my first day." "What'd you do to make it better?" "I made some pretty awesome friends." He says looking over to Noah, Alva, and Ryan. He looked down at me smiling "you're gonna do great he says, you've already made us as new friends, we already love you, and if you need me, just let me know." "You're already a great friend Blake. Thank you." I told him as we headed back. Me and Lucy hopped into bed. Her on bottom bunk and me on top, ready for our first day of classes tomorrow.

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