Rainy Morning Cuddles

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"It's like heaven, Feels like heaven
When I'm with you"


The soft pitter patter of rain outside the shelter you called home greets you the moment you wake up. Winds howled, gently nudging your window, causing slight creaks to come from it. You groan, burrowing further under the warmth of your boyfriend who was dead asleep beside you. Eyes closed, showing off his luscious lashes, and lips parted to give away his steady breathing.

"...babe?" You immediately shush him, trying to get back to sleep. But it was no use, you couldn't fall asleep anymore. You huff, still doing your best to press yourself against him for warmth.

"Are you cold?"

"No, I'm hot now hush and give me cuddles" you grumble, annoyed that the heavy rain woke you up from your slumber. You weren't a morning person and it was clear to the male beside you that you had been woken up for all the wrong reasons. He chuckles, bringing you even closer to press a kiss to a spot above your hair.

"Anything for you" he mumbles into your hair and shifts his position so he was lying on his back with your head on his chest and your leg slung over him as well as your arm across his torso. His was wrapped behind your back while the other lay casually at the side.

He casually began rubbing your shoulder to comfort you as you stare blankly at the walls of your apartment, "what has you down so early in the morning?"

"Stupid rain and the stupid noise. I can't go back to my stupid sleep and have my stupid dream. It was a stupidly good dream too" you whine childishly, burying your heard into the warm toned surface of his chest. His body slightly moves, a deep vibration eliciting from his chest as he lets out an amused laugh at the adorable being in his arms.

"You are such a big baby" he found himself absent-mindedly saying, you looked up with a smile on your face at his claim.

"You love it though," you joked, propping yourself up to stick your tongue out at him. He chuckles, using his free hand to pinch a good amount of your cheek while he cooes lovingly.

"Too much unfortunately. I love you too much..." he trails. His hand had stopped pinching your cheek, it spread out and you welcomed the warmth of his open palms on the apples of your cheeks. He gently begins to caress the smooth surface of your face, eyes glazed with tenderness as he relished the feeling of you.

"What are you thinking of?" You asked, noticing the far off look in his eyes as he stroked your cheek. He slowly turns to meet eyes with yours, happiness dancing across his eyes as you stared into them.

"You..." you raised a brow at him, a sign asking him to elaborate. He smiles, pinching your nose with the hand that had been on your cheek before returning it to its previous spot on it then caressing it once more.

"I'm not one for vagueness you know" you huff, puffing your cheeks out. He cooes at the fluffiness beneath his hand and pokes it, enthralled by the deep dip that he had caused. He was very much marveled by the sight of your fluffy cheeks. Something you were proud of.

"I'm thinking about you...and me. In a two story house...with a lil puppy in your arms and you in mine" you snort, a happy smile nestling on your lips at his words.

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