Chances Are

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"Guess you feel you'll always be the one and only one for me"


For some time you felt alone. There weren't much people you come by with that has an old soul. No one could relate to you because of that, besides the occasional old people you surround yourself with.

But that all changed, sooner than you expected it to.

It was early in the morning when you decided to take a stroll around school. The wind brushed against your uniform, urging you to pull your blazer closer to you. As you continued on your walk, the sound of piano keys being pressed gently, forming a beautiful tune filled your ears. It distracted you.

You found yourself making your way over to where the sound was coming from. It came from the music room. The door was slightly a jar which left a little gaping line for you to peek in. Curiosity got the best of you and you tip toed over, not wanting to disturb the pianist from playing excellently.

That was when you saw him.

A dark mop of hair paired with the most beautiful chocolage doe eyes you've ever seen that was glazed with focus as he shifts from staring at his notes to the keys on the piano. He dressed in the familiar blue and white school uniform. He was playing a song, one that you knew all too well to be exact.

For the first time in a long time, you felt like you weren't alone.

He noticed you peeping and made stopped causing you to do a sharp intake of breathe. Thinking that you had disturbed him, you moved to back away from the door only to meet the pianist in his full glory instead as he pulls the door open wider, shy and awkward at the sight of someone catching him in one of his private moments.

"Hello," he spoke. Voice dripping with a soft feel to it, like a feather slowly descending down to meet the earthly grounds.

"Hi," you responded. A shy smile danced on his lips. Unconsciously, you mirrored his actions causing a slight flush to adorn his pale cheeks at the adorable sight in front of him.

"You played Chances Are by Johnny Mathis" you point out. He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, caught of guard at the fact that you knew what he was playing. Not everyone he had come across had an old soul like him.

"Yeah," he whispers awkwardly. He coughs to try and gestures to the piano hesitantly, unsure if you wanted to join him in the music room.

"Do you want to listen?"

That was the start of the most beautiful thing you have ever encountered. Him.

Breakfast didn't seem too sullen, you would often think of spending time with him later on during school hours. And when you arrived at school, he was always there. Waiting for you by the school gates to accompany you and drop you off in your classroom like the gentleman you had learned him to be.

Lunch was spent by the fields while you sit in a picnic blanket, munching on shared lunch meals. Speaking of sharing, he would never fail to hand you the other end of his earphones and the two of you would bond over old songs.

Dimissal was your sacred time together. Finding the both of you in the music room, him playing the piano and you, leaning against his shoulder with closed eyes while letting the soft keys hum beauty into your tired ears.

Had you only kept your eyes open every time he played the piano, you would have noticed the shy stolen glances he would take at you. Admiring the sight of your closed eyes that were covered by your long lashes and peach filled lips.

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