Important news

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‼️Trigger warning‼️ I will be talking about the rise of anti-Asian crimes that are happening right now, so if that by any means affects you or will upset you, please don't read this and just go to the anti-Asian violence information I will have in my bio.

In recent months and since last year, crimes against Asians have increased significantly. It's disgusting and inhumane and we need to speak out against it. Over the course of the pandemic, I've personally heard stories of Asians being attacked on and off and it needs to stop. First of all, stop generalising Asians, they're not all the fucking same. Stop blaming them for covid, how in the fucking world could they have ever stopped any of this?? Stop using slurs and violence and the fucking pandemic to rationalise your racist views. I don't know if you learnt anything at all from May of 2020, but racism isn't something we stand for. No that doesn't make us snowflakes, you're just mad you can't hate on POC people and get away with it anymore.

The Asian people in America shouldn't have to live in the level of fear that they do. For the past two weeks on TikTok, all I've seen is Asian people crying because they don't feel safe leaving their homes without covering features that people place to Asian people. I've seen them begging for help and for justice and its about time they got it. When are you going to learn? Hurting people in this way isn't fucking okay and it's not okay. How many POC people have to suffer for you to get it through your thick skulls that they deserve more??

A story I've heard recently is of a man who had the police called to help him because he was going to commit suicide. In this instance, the police thought it best to shoot the man, killing him, and then blaming it all on him. Why do you keep letting the law enforcement, who is meant to protect everyone, get away with killing minorities? He needed help. He needed the police to help him.. but they shot him and said he turned his gun on them. Christian Hall was a 19-year-old boy suffering from mental health issues and instead of helping him like they were called to do, they killed him.

I'd also like to talk about media outlets. As I've been researching to educate myself, hardly any major media outlets have been covering these stories. These people, YOUR people, deserve coverage. They deserve to have the ability to speak up and defend their community. The Asian community deserves the voice and the outrage any other minority gets.

Now I'm still educating myself. I'm still reading things and learning so I'm not 100% yet, so I'm creating this space for people to talk, spread the word and to help those who need it. If you have information, please comment on it, please share it however you can. This is very important and the Asian community deserves the help of everyone they can receive it from.

PS: if you intake Asian culture, whether it's anime, kpop their food, or other music forms etc, then fucking speak up. you can't sit there and use their culture but be silent. it's wrong and your silence is just as violent as the crimes.

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