Chapter 1

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A/N - Here's another short story I'm in the process of bringing over from FF. I'm hoping that if I do the lil ones first then I can finally work up to bringing the Coffee Breaks trilogy over instead of them being reposted by someone else lol. The procrastination is real. 

When her plane lands early on a Wednesday morning, Brittany can't help but feel disappointed in herself. She had no one to blame but herself, it was her fault and she had to live with it. Usually trips home came with feelings of excitement, but all she feels as she stares out of the window as the plane slows to a stop is anything but excitement. She couldn't believe she was back in the same small town she hoped she'd never have to come back to. Sure, short visits during the holidays were okay but this was different.

This wasn't just a short visit.

Brittany rested her hand on the brace wrapped around her knee and breathed in deeply. It was sore, but that was probably due to such a cramped cabin and barely any leg space. She had an appointment already organized to get it properly checked out but that wans't until Monday and the pain pills she had taken before she left Los Angeles were probably wearing off now. Plus the guy in front of her just had to have his seat all the way back too so that didn't really help either. Brittany did a little stretch before pulling out her phone to switch off Airplane Mode.

Two texts from her mom came through first telling Brittany that she and her dad couldn't wait to see her and that they'd be waiting at the gate. Brittany quickly typed back a response saying she had just landed then slipped her phone in her back pocket in time to grab her carryon bag from the overhead compartment.


As Brittany walks to Luggage Claim A, her attention is grabbed by the unmistakable squeal of happiness that could only come from one person in the whole world. She looks up in time to see her mom with the biggest smile on her face on her way over with arms wide, ready for a hug.

"Welcome home, hun!" Whitney exclaimed then wrapped Brittany in a tight hug.

"Thanks, mom." Brittany sighed as she felt herself start to crumble in the embrace. She swallowed the lump in her throat that had been camping out since she began her journey home late last night, "Where's dad?"

Whitney pulled away and squinted as she looked back at the way she came, "He was right behind me, I swear. Pierce!" Just then the luggage belt began to move and suitcases started to tumble down. Whitney patted Brittany's shoulder and gestured to move closer to the luggage claim, "He probably got distracted by the souvenir shop, you know how much he loves those things."

Brittany just chuckled as she kept an eye out for her suitcase, "They have the coolest stuff."

"Brittany gets it." Pierce stated as he poked at his wife's side, sending her a wink, before giving Brittany a big hug, "Long time no see! You've gotten so tall!"

"Dad..I stopped growing a long time ago." Brittany shook her head at her dad's humor and smiled at her parents, "Thanks for picking me up."

"Of course, dear." Whitney replied with a softened smile, "We're happy to help and we're glad you're back home."

"Yeah, me too." Brittany lied, that same feeling of disappointment creeping back again.


After retrieving Brittany's luggage, Whitney and Pierce drove Brittany to the apartment they had scoped out upon Brittany's arrival. Brittany had been hard at work before she left LA organizing a place to live when she got back to Ohio, not really wanting to go back to her parents' house as it was already a low blow for her having to return to her hometown under the certain circumstances.

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