Chapter 2

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It took Brittany a week and a half before she finally dug out the business card Dr. Andrews gave her and made the call. Dr. Andrews' wife, Shelia, her physical therapist ended up working out a schedule for Brittany's physical therapy sessions right over the phone. Brittany could tell the woman was kind and was very good at her job, just like Dr. Andrews, but she knew the sessions would be a lot of work. They worked out that Brittany would come in for a session three times a week for the next six weeks then reevaluate when the six weeks were up.

On one particular day before a session, Brittany had been lying in bed catching up on some Netflix when LT crept up on the bed next to her.

"Hey Tubbs," Brittany smiled and gave him a scratch behind the ear before scrunching up her nose, "You smell like smoke again, get down." Brittany gave him a stern look and pointed to his bed, "Go stink up your own bed."

LT let out a low purr and slowly made his way to the bed Brittany had set up near the heater, his favorite spot. Brittany had yet to figure out where he kept sneaking off to and why he always came back smelling like smoke. She thought about maybe keeping the balcony door closed while she wasn't able to keep an eye on him, but then she'd miss the beautiful singing. 

Another thing she's yet to figure out is where it comes from.

One glance at the time and Brittany realized she needed to start getting ready for her PT session. Ever since she had started working at Lucy Q's her knee had been feeling quite sore by the end of her shift. She had been taking it easy just like the Doc said, so she didn't worry too much and hoped that it was just typical pains from strengthening muscles. She quickly got changed into her work out gear and headed out the door.

There was no sign of the Latina as Brittany entered the lift and was even surprised that there still was no sign of her on the ground floor since for some reason that's where they always run into each other. Shrugging it off, Brittany walked past the mailboxes attempting to remind herself to check hers once she returned.


As she suspected, PT was tough. 

The stretches weren't foreign to Brittany, but she had been too scared to push herself ever since her doctor's appointment. The exercises really tested her knee, so much so that she couldn't complete the session she was that sore. Granted, Brittany gave it her all but maybe that was too much too soon.

She limped through the front entry of her apartment building, gingerly putting weight on her bad knee, as she headed for the mailboxes. Unlocking the little door, Brittany pulled out a thick stack of various envelopes and junk mail. She flicked through the stack in the lift, rolling her eyes at the fact that once again someone else's mail had gotten mixed in with hers. Usually she would just slide it in the right box, but she was already in the lift and halfway to her floor so she decided to deliver it herself.

Checking over the address and making sure the unit number on the letter matched the silver plated number on the door, Brittany knocked three times. While she waited, she looked over the name wishing she had a cool name like theirs and not some boring name like hers. At first there wasn't an answer, but just as she was about to knock again the door swung open.

Shocked by who answered, Brittany was surprised her jaw didn't drop to the floor.

"Hello?" The familiar Latina greeted, looking confused. Contrary to her usual tight fitting outfits, the woman looked comfortable in flannel shorts and a loose white t-shirt.

Brittany just stood there speechless.

"Wait. I know you. I've seen you around, right?" The Latina questioned, causing Brittany to jolt from her stupor.

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