Chapter 5

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For the next 24 hours, Brittany struggles to understand what went wrong. She goes through explanation after explanation but nothing makes sense. She goes through the should've, could've, would'ves, but it doesn't make a difference because what she comes to realize is that Santana isn't into her.

It's apparent now and Brittany feels like such an idiot for letting it get this far. She read the signs wrong, she's read them wrong this whole time, and she crossed the line last night when she kissed Santana.

Why else would it explain why the woman ran off in such a hurry?


It only makes things worse as the days go by and Santana's nowhere in sight. She's not in the lobby, she's not in the lift, she's not at Lucy Q's.

Even LT gets shut out.

After the fourth day, Brittany begins to feel like Santana's disappearance isn't just a coincidence.

Maybe it's deliberate.

Maybe Brittany's being ignored.

She finds herself getting so worked up in her thoughts and worries that she finally has enough. She's over trying to figure Santana out on her own; she's over trying to fill in the blanks that Santana leaves behind. She wasn't alone in wanting that kiss, because Santana kissed her back. Right? It wasn't a figment of her imagination, it happened, and she needed to know Santana's feelings. She can't string her along like this, making her guess. She needed to know where she stood and if she didn't feel the way Brittany did then she needed to speak up and say so.

If she cares about their friendship, it's the lease she could do.


Quinn begins to notice Brittany's decline in mood and when they talk about what happened, Brittany feels even more confused as she says her story aloud. She expresses her worries and concerns to Quinn but that only fires up her best friend because to Quinn Santana is an ass for treating her like this.

She goes on to pinpoint every idiotic thing Santana's done, but Brittany doesn't get on board with that.

She can't because those bad things don't nearly amount to the good. Santana can't be defined by this one time, not matter how hurt Brittany is by it. There's more to her than this.

"She's so inconsiderate to your feelings," Quinn huffs, working herself up even more, "You don't need that in your life, Britt, if she doesn't respect you now, will she ever? How can she play with your feelings like this? She's so selfish!"

Brittany could feel herself getting riled up the more Quinn talked until she finally had enough.

"Look, I appreciate you sticking up for me and everything but you're wrong about her." Brittany states with little room to argue.

Quinn eyed her curiously but stayed quiet.

Brittany took a calming breath and spoke softer, "Everyone thinks she's a bad person but she's not."

Quinn remained quiet for a moment then sighed, "I'm sorry, Britt."

When Quinn apologizes, Brittany is thankful. She wasn't there to be yet another person who speaks badly of the Latina because she knows she's just misunderstood.

At least that's what she's telling herself.

"It doesn't seem like you understand her either." Quinn points out and she's not wrong.

There's so little she knows about Santana, but she feels like she's slowly breaking down her walls. She doesn't know why, but she thinks Santana is worth the wait.

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